Chapter 61: The Death Of A Friend

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"Thank you so much for staying with me," Dan said. "Thank you so much for dealing with all my crap," you replied. He smiled, "Anytime Maddy." Someone knocked on your door. "Come in," you called. Woody walked through the door in tears. "Hey Woody! What's wrong?" you asked. "Will's dead," he sobbed.

"Wait, what happened?" Dan asked. Woody was crying too hard to speak so you told all that you could remember from last night. "After I spoke to you Dan, I ran into the woods where we got lost. I saw Will there, and he told me to be quiet because Kyle was after him. Kyle found us, and shot me, but that's all I remember," you explained. Woody dried his eyes and finished, "Will told me that when you got shot, he started carrying you to the hospital. As he was walking away Kyle, who he had thought he knocked out, shot him in the back. He managed to get to the hospital, but died shortly after. He was my best friend."

"Kyle is pure evil," Dan growled. You nodded, "He sure is." Woody was still crying. He was sitting beside Dan, and Dan was rubbing his back. "It should've been me," you mumbled. Woody looked up. "Don't you ever say that," he said. "You don't deserve any of this," Dan added. You just sat there silently.

"Daniel," a nurse called into the room. Dan wheeled over to the door. He came back in a few minutes later on crutches. "Now that I'm out of that chair, I gotta go do some stuff, stay with Maddy please," Dan said to Woody.


You walked through the streets on your crutches. You had to find Kyle and get to stop tormenting you and Madeline. The warehouse was only a few blocks away. That was where you were headed.

"KYLE! COME OUT YOU BASTARD!" You screamed through the warehouse. You could hear his footsteps echo as he walked towards you. "Did you come back for more," he smirked, holding a gun. "Listen Kyle. I don't wanna fight. I just want you to leave us alone," you pleaded. "That comes with a fee," he answered. "How much do you want?" asked. "$10 000, you have until tomorrow," Kyle replied. "How the hell am I supposed to get $10 000 by tomorrow?" you said. "Or, we could have a little fun," Kyle offered, cupping your face in his hand. You smacked him. "Get your hands off me Kyle," you warned. "Or what," he teased. You could feel anger bubbling up inside him. Your fist collided with his face. He stumbled, and then reached for his gun. "You messed with the wrong guy Daniel," he spat.

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