Chapter 56: Nightmare

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"You know how people say 'Take a picture it'll last longer'," Dan asked you. You nodded. "Well I think that's true," Dan said. He was siting with your head on his lap. His long fingers running through your hair. "Let's watch some Twin Peaks to take our nervs off of everthing," you suggested.

After 3 episodes, Dan had fallen asleep. You silently got up and turned the television off. You placed a kiss on his cheek before laying down beside him.

You woke up to Dan sobbing heavily. It was 3:00 AM. "Dan are you alright?" you asked. He didn't move. He was still sobbing. You realized he was still asleep and tried to wake him. He finally woke up and wrapped his arms around you. "Are you alright Daniel?" you questioned. "I had a bad dream Madeline," he managed to say between sobs. "Why don't you tell me what it was about," you offered. He nodded and wiped his tears with the back of his hand.

"I was outside my dad's house and opened the door. You were tied to a chair. It was pretty much the same scenario as what happened with my dad except with you. It sounds really wimpy I know. It's just I would never be able to live without you," Dan explained. "It doesn't sound wimpy at all hun. I would be upset if I had that dream. I probably wouldn't be here if I hadn't met you that day. I owe you my life," you said to him. Tears flowed down his cheeks. He slammed his lips onto yours. "I never want to lose you," he whispered. "As long as you don't leave, you won't," you promised

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