Chapter 62: Promises

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You sat beside Dan's hospital bed. He had been sleeping for 3 days. He slowly opened his eyes. "Huh, how did I get here?" he groaned. You smiled, and answered, "Kyle shot you baby. You brought yourself here, and then nearly died. I shouldn't have let you go." His expression suddenly went from tired, to scared. "How long was I asleep?" he asked. "Like 3 days, why?" you replied. "Crap," he muttered.

"I've screwed up. Big time," Dan cried. "What happened Dan? Tell me the whole thing," you demanded. He exhaled slowly. "Ok," he replied. "I went to the warehouse, and tried to get Kyle to leave us alone. He said he wanted 10 000 dollars by the next day. Now I've failed to bring him the money. He's gonna kill us and it'll be all my fault. I'm sorry," he sobbed. You bent over and kissed him. It hurt to bend, but you did it anyways. "It's my fault for dragging you into this mess anyways. Now, are you hungry?" you replied. He nodded. "I'll go find someone and tell them you're awake," you said. "Thanks," he answered. You wiped the tears from his cheeks. "You're welcome hun," you said before planting a kiss on his forehead.

As you opened the door, Dan's nurse walked in. She completely ignored you. "Hi Daniel, how are you feeling?" she asked. He shrugged, "Ok I guess, but I'm a little hungry." You walked back towards his bed. "I'll go get you some food," she replied, then left the room. "I love hospital food," you said sarcastically. He laughed, "It's the worst thing in the universe." "We can go to McDonalds when you're feeling better," you replied, and he smiled.

When Dan fell asleep, you slipped out of the hospital room. You ran to your house, and grabbed 10 000 dollars. It was a lot of money, but it was worth it. The safety of the two of you was more important than money could ever be. You scrawled the words, 'Here's the money, now leave us the fuck alone.' on a piece of paper, and shoved it into your pocket.

You shoved the money, and the note under the door of the warehouse. You knocked on the door and ran. You ran as fast as you could and didn't stop until you had reached the hospital. Then, you went into Dan's room. He was still sleeping.

A nurse walked in with flowers. "These are from a young man. They are for Dan," she handed them to you. You took them and she left. There was a card attached, so you took it off and read it. 'Did you really think I would.

-Kyle' was written on it. You began to sob. Things were never going to get better.

"What's wrong Maddy?" Dan said. "Nothing, don't worry. Sorry I woke you up," you replied. He held your hand in his. "Tell me what's wrong baby," he replied. You sobbed harder and handed him the card. He looked confused. "What's this all about?" he asked. "I brought the money to the warehouse," was all you said in return.

Dan began to cry. "Don't cry Dan. Everything will be ok," you cooed. "I really thought that if we moved things would get better," he sobbed. "I know, me too," you replied. He tried to sit up, but whimpered because of the pain.

You leaned over and wrapped your arms around him. "I love you Daniel Smith. None of this is your fault," you whispered. "I love you Madeline Smith. None of this is your fault," he replied. You kissed his cheek. "Get some sleep," you commanded. "Promise me you won't go anywhere while I sleep," he replied. "I promise," you answered. He smiled, and then drifted off to sleep.

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