Chapter 33: A New Life

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All of your belongings could fit in a couple suitcases. Dan drove to the airport. "The next flight is going to... TWIN FREAKING PEAKS!" you yelled. Dan smiled at you, "I guess we'll be moving there!" you both did a happy dance and people stared.

There was only and hour and a half before the plane left, so you ha to buy the tickets while Dan got the bags checked.

"I'm so happy we are moving to Twin Peaks Dan!" you exclaimed as the plane went up. He held your hand, and looked sick. He began to squeeze your hand tighter, and tighter, until the plane was flying. "First time flying?" you asked him. He nodded and ran to the bathroom.

As the plane dipped down, you began to see more of the beautiful landscape. Dan was asleep, and you didn't wake him, because he would get sick. You pressed your face against the window and stared at your surroundings.

You woke Dan up when the plane touched down. "Lets go look at the town! WE SHOULD GET THE CAR WHEN IT ARRIVES AND DRIVE ALL AROUND. Oh! LETS STAY IN THE GREAT NORTHERN UNTIL WE GET A HOUSE!" Dan exclaimed when you got your luggage. "ONLY IF WE CAN GO DOWN TO THE BEACH WHERE THEY FOUND LAURA!" you giggled. "YES!" Dan shot back.

Your iPhone rang. It came up as blocked number. "Weird," you muttered before answering. "Hello?" you said into the phone. "I hate you Madeline. Die you stupid whore," the voice yelled back, before the line went blank. You could tell it was Kyle. He must've called from jail. But why would he waste his phone call like that. You shrugged. "Dan! lets change our numbers!" you yelled. "Why?" he asked. "Kyle just called my phone from jail. I don't want to be harassed by him anymore," you explained. He nodded and wrote it down. "We are gonna start a new life Madeline! We will make new friends, and be happier!" he exclaimed before kissing you.

Things We Lost In The Fire (Dan Smith/Bastille Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora