Chapter 17: It's Not Your Fault

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Kyle ran into the living room crying. "I can't find Kyle Jr. anywhere!" he sobbed. "Aww! Don't worry Kyle! We'll find her!" you promised. "Y-you really think so?" he cried. "Yea! I promise," you sympathized. "You're a great friend Maddy," he replied.

"KYLE JR.! COME HERE!" the three of you walked down the street. "We should get home guys its no use," Dan suggested. "No lets keep going!" you said. "I'm gonna go I don't feel good," Dan answered. "Ok bye babe! Feel better!" you yelled after him. He made his hands make the shape of a heart.

Kyle was crying as you walked back home. It had gotten darker, but you could still see. As you walked you began to notice a big lump on the horizon. "Hey what's that?" you asked Kyle. "I don't know, let's go see!" he had stopped crying now.

The two of you jogged up to the lump. "No. No it can't be. This can't be real." Dan was laying on the ground in a pile of blood. "No. No. No. NO!" You screamed. "Oh my God," Kyle whispered. "He's breathing. I'll carry him home, you start the car. We need to get him to the hospital." You broke down into tears, as you ran back to the house to start the car. You turned around and saw Kyle coming with Dan on his back.

Dan needed plenty of stitches on his head. The back of his head had taken 7 stitches, his right eyebrow needed 3, and the left side of his jaw needed 5.

You sat by him as he woke up. "Hi Daniel," you whispered. "Madeline? Where am I?" he asked. "You're in the hospital babe," you answered. He touched his jaw. "Ow!" he cried. You grabbed his hand and held it in yours. "What happened to me?" he questioned. "Me, you and Kyle were looking for the cat, when you said you wanted to go. We let you. When we were walking home we found you laying in your own blood and took you here," you answered him. "I remember now. There were two guys. They confronted me and said they were going to kill you. I think they knew your stepdad Madeline. I threw a punch at one of them, and they threw me to the ground. I must've blacked out after that," he recalled. You started to cry. "I knew all I could do was hurt you. I can do no good. Everyone I get involved with ends up hating me." He started to tear up. He wrapped his arms around you and embraced you. A tear rolled down his cheek. "Don't you ever think that. I love you Madeline." You stared into his eyes. "I love you too Dan. I'm so sorry for what happened. It's all my fault. I-" he stopped you by placing a finger to your lips. "It's not your fault," he replied. You decided not to argue with him. You bent down and planted a kiss on his swollen lips. You then moved and sat at the end of his hospital bed as he fell asleep.

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