Chapter 73: The Beach

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Dan dried his eyes and began driving again. You put the mix of him singing into the stereo and he sang along to it. He was an amazing singer, and you loved hearing him sing. "Dan," you said. "Yea?" he asked. "You have a beautiful voice," you gushed. He giggled and kissed your cheek. "Hey!" you yelled as he swerved into the other lane. He drove back into the proper lane, and you laughed.

Dan drove onto a beach and parked there for the night. "I love you so much Dan. Goodnight," you whispered. "Goodnight hun, I love you too," he replied. You heard him yawn, and then he drifted off to sleep. You rested your head where his heart was, and let his heartbeat lull you to sleep.

You woke up before Dan, and went out onto the beach. The sand was cold on your bare feet. You picked up a stack and started dragging it through the sand.

Dan walked out of the truck and examined what you had drawn. It was a giant drawing of you and Dan holding hands. "Wow," he whispered. You giggled and ran up to him. "Good morning," he smiled. "Do you like the drawing?" you asked. He nodded and hugged you. "I was thinking," he said, "maybe we should head home." You nodded in agreement.

"Lets go for a swim!" he suggested and quickly got changed in the truck. You did the same, and then let the dogs out. Dee and Mads pranced through the water, and you and Dan chased them. Occasionally one would get knocked over by a wave, but get up and start play fighting with the other one.

Dan picked you up and through you into the deep water playfully. He then swam beside you and told you to get in his back. You did what he told you to, and he swam you to the shore. The two of you dried off yourselves, and then the dogs and hit the road again.

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