Chapter 77: Kyle's Girlfriend

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The neighbors had agreed to watch Dee and Mads while you were on vacation. Dan drove the car to the airport while singing along to the radio. Everyone was having a great time. "You guys are my best friends," Paxton said. "You guys are my only friends," you added and smiled. "THIS IS GONNA BE THE BEST VACATION EVER!" Woody yelled, and everyone started laughing.

You were extremely early for your flight, so you had some time to spend. Paxton was sleeping with her head rested on Woody's shoulder, because she didn't get to sleep the night before. You and Dan were bored. You noticed a lady staring at you. "This lady won't stop staring at me Dan," you said quietly. "Weird," he muttered. The woman stood up and began walking towards you. She stood in front of you and said, "I am Kyle's girlfriend. You got him put in jail. Watch your back." Then she turned and walked away.

You woke up Woody and Paxton when it was time to board the plane. You noticed the lady who claimed to be Kyle's girlfriend getting on the same flight. "We have company," you said to Dan and pointed the woman out to him. "Crap," he said. "What's going on?" Woody asked. "I'll explain when we get on the plane," you replied. "That rhymed!" Dan exclaimed.

"There was this lady at the airport and she kept staring at me, and then she went up to Dan and I and claimed she was Kyle's girlfriend! Then she threatened us. I'm kinda scared," you said to Woody and Paxton. "Who's Kyle? What's going on, I'm confused," Paxton said. You explained the whole situation to her. "Wow, this Kyle guy is a freaking ass," she said when you had finished.

Someone was kicking your seat. "Dan, I'm getting fed up with all this seat kicking," you whispered to him. "I'll handle it," he reassured. "Excuse me, but could you please stop kicking her seat," Dan said as he turned around. "Nope," you heard a woman say. "Was it her?" you asked. He nodded. You turned around, "Ok listen here. I don't care if your Kyle's girlfriend, you don't need to treat is like shit. Now, could you please stop kicking my goddamn seat," you said between gritted teeth. She smirked and kicked your seat harder. Dan squeezed your hand and you turned back around. "Here, switch me seats," he offered. "Thanks," you said and got up.

You had fallen asleep, and Dan woke you up before the plane began to land. It was around 2:00 in the morning when you exited the plane. "I hate jet lag," you complained. "I do too," Dan agreed. You waited for Paxton and Woody to get off the plane. They ran towards you. "We're here!" Paxton exclaimed, and the four of you left to claim your luggage.

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