Chapter 51: Fear

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"All flights have been cancelled," a female voice said into the speakers at the intercom. Thunder was booming outside, and lightning was lighting up the sky. Dan began to get stressed. You rubbed his back, and he's rested his head on your shoulder. "Everything will be ok Dan," you reassured.

The storm had lasted for 2 days, ending with a small tornado. The next day, the flight left. That left the two of you with 3 days to find the location and save Dan's dad. You noticed a tear roll down Dan's cheek. "Hey, don't worry babe, we'll make it in time," you reassured. Dan turned and pulled you into a hug. "Thanks Madeline," Dan whispered.

You arrived in London. Now you only had around 2 Days left. Dan said there was a 14 hour drive from London to his dads house. "When we arrive, we need to begin our search. We have no time to spare. There will only e less than a day to find him," Dan said with tears in his eyes. You nodded and hopped in the rental car.

Dan couldn't didn't drive because he was upset. "Dan, I love you. Your dad will be ok baby, don't worry," you soothed. He kissed your cheek, "I love you too," he cried. You and Dan began to get very hungry. "We have to stop and get something to eat," you insisted. "No, we can't theres no time," Dan sobbed. "Dan, listen to me. If I don't eat I will pass out and we won't even get there," you snapped back. He looked at you with watery eyes, "Fine." he began to sob again. "Dan, I didn't mean to make you upset, I should've been nicer. I mean its a hard thing for you to know your dad is uh, in danger," you apologized. He said nothing.

You stopped at a McDonalds drive-thru, which took ten minutes, because the line was long. Dan couldn't stop fidgeting with his shoe laces. The two of you are while driving. Dan had only took a few bites of his burger before putting it away. "I'm not hungry," he mumbled.

Dan began to get more worried as you got closer to your destination. You took one hand off the wheel and intwined your fingers with his. You were now two hours away from your destination, and only had 7 hours to get the money to the people. "When we arrive, we will check his house first," Dan said. You nodded.

You had been driving for an hour. Dan began to sob and you looked at him. Before you could realize what had happened the car had rammed into a transport truck. Dan had blood trickling from the side of his head, and fear in his eyes.

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