Chapter 53: Life Or Death

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The two men fled from the building. Dan didn't move or speak. Tears ran down his cheeks. You began to cry and hugged him. He hugged you back and walked towards the body. "Dad," he said, his voice trembling. He began to sob heavily. "I'm so sorry," you said to Dan. He turned around and hugged you. He put his head on your shoulder and his tears soaked your shirt. You cried into the crook of his neck. "Everything's gonna be ok, I'm here Daniel. We'll get through this together," you said to him. "I love you," he cried. "I love you Daniel," you replied.

"911, what's your emergency?" the dispatcher asked. "My father-in-law just got shot, I-I think he's dead," you said to the woman. "Calm down ma'am, the paramedics are on their way," she replied. "Thank you," you said. "I need you to tell me what happened," she asked. You answered, "Me and my husband came here, and he was tie into a chair and two men had a gun to his head. They shot him and left." You were crying again. "Does he have a pulse?" the woman asked. You felt for a heartbeat, but couldn't find one. "No," you cried. "Ok, just wait until the ambulance gets there. They should be there in a few minutes," she replied.

A couple minutes later the paramedics rushed in. Dan was vomiting in the washroom, so he was no help. After they had put him in the ambulance, a shorter woman jumped out of the back. "I'm very sorry young lady, but Mr. Smith is deceased," she said, showing no emotions. You cried and ran into the bathroom, and puked in the sink. Dan had finished, and held your hair for you.

"He's dead isn't he," Dan cried. you nodded. "I don't want to be here anymore. Can we go back home now?" he asked through his tears. "Of course," you cried, and hopped into the smashed up car. "I'll drive," Dan offered.

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