Chapter 88: Jetlag

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The airport security arrest Kyle. "Dan, thanks for saving me," you said. He smiled and hugged you. Woody and Paxton walked up to you. "So, what is the situation with Kyle?" Woody asked. "Arrested," Dan replied. You gave Woody a high-five, and hopped into your car.

"Hey Dan, we might be able to have a normal life now!" you exclaimed. He smiled at you, "Maybe," he replied. "We should go to the movies," Paxton suggested. "Good idea!" Dan said. "What should we see?" you asked. Paxton shrugged, and Woody suggested, "How about Catching Fire?" Dan laughed, "That's not out yet." Woody frowned, "Let's see if you have a better idea brainiac."

You ended up watching a screening of The Lion King. Every Friday night they would play a Disney movie, and that is what tonights was. "I love that movie," Dan said. "You love anything Disney related," you replied. He giggled, and then yawned. "Aw, are you sleepy?" you asked. He nodded, "It must be jetlag." You smiled, "Let's go to bed Danny, I'm tired too." He jumped in bed, and kissed your cheek. "Goodnight Madeline, I love you," he whispered. "I love you more Daniel," you replied quietly. "Not as much as I love you," he giggled.

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