Chapter 5: Pain

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When you woke up Dan had made breakfast. He wasn't sure what you liked so he ended up making around 5 different things. "Dan all this food is great," you gushed. "You really think so?" He asked. "Uh Dan, can we go to my old house. There's a few things I need to pick up. My mom and stepdad have work today, so we don't have to worry about them. They go to work around 10:00 on Saturdays, so we should wait until then," you asked. "Of course we can! How does 10:30 sound to you?" he replied. "Great! Your a life saver Dan!" you planted a kiss on his lips.

"Ok, I'll be like 10 minutes, just wait in the car," you told Dan as we pulled up to the house. "Ok captain!" he replied. You grabbed a few clothes, your journal, and some other personal stuff that you wouldn't want your parents rifling through or throwing out.

When you got back outside, your stepdad was beating Dan up. "Fucking stop!" you screamed. "Get the fuck away from my boyfriend you asshole!" he started coming towards you. You ran towards Dan, helped him up, and ran back to the car. You looked back and noticed Dan was limping. "Fuck," you muttered. You ran back to him and helped him to the car. You hopped in, and started the car. "I think that dick broke my goddamn leg Madeline," Dan wailed. You hated seeing him in pain. "I'm so sorry Dan. I didn't mean for this to happen. I'll take you to the hospital," you apologized.

Dan had to get his leg casted up to the knee. He now had to hobble around on crutches. "Now I see why you left that damn hellhole," he muttered. "Yea, and I don't plan on ever going back," you replied. "How's your leg babe?" you asked. "Itchy," he complained.

"It's 10:00 Dan we should get to bed. You have work tomorrow," you suggested. "Cant work with this thing on my leg," he said. "Oh, in that case how about some Twin Peaks?" you replied. "Sounds good to me!" he exclaimed.

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