Chapter 40: Explanations

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You cleaned up Dan head, and he did the same to yours. "Can you tell me what happened now?" Dan almost whispered. You nodded. "Last night we went for a walk and got lost. We fell asleep and in the middle of the night a strange man woke me up. He was touching me and trying to get my clothes off. I woke you up, and you tried to beat him. You failed, and he grabbed a bat and whacked you in the side of the head followed by me. I think he raped me Dan. I'm not sure," you cried. He held you in his arms, and his salty tears fell onto your face and mixed with your own. "I won't ever let anything like that ever happen again," Dan promised. You were sobbing too hard to say anything, so you sat there in his arms.

"I'm so sorry, I can't believe this all is happening," Dan cried. "No, Daniel look at me. it's not your fault. You tried you hardest to stop him. I thank you for that. I love you, and don't blame yourself for what happened," you replied. You both began to sob again. "I love you Madeline," Dan said between sobs. You kissed the tip of his nose, and then he crashed his lips into yours.

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