Chapter 78: The Walls Were Once Alive

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"She's driving behind us, we need to lose her or call the police," Woody said as Kyle's girlfriend followed the four of you while Dan was driving from the airport. "I'll call, I want to have a good trip, and she'll just ruin it," you suggested, and picked up a phone.

The police came and pulled her over. Dan continued to drive, so she wouldn't be able to follow you. The dispatcher told you that they would warn her not to bother you guys, and to call the police if she did.

You arrived at the hotel and checked into your room. It only had two beds, so you and Dan shared one, while Woody and Paxton had the other. "Dan," you whispered. "What?" he answered sleepily. "I'm not tired," you complained. He wrapped his arms around you. "Shh, I'm trying to sleep," he mumbled. You cuddled into his chest, and dozed off to sleep.

"Let's go do something fun!" Dan said in the morning. "Ok, like what?" Paxton asked. "Lets go to the Catacombs!" you suggested. "Ooo! Creepy!" Woody exclaimed. "The Catacombs it is!" Dan agreed.

The Catacombs were and underground burial place. The walls are made of the bones of around 6 million people. The four of you walked through the dimly lit tunnels. "It is really weird down here," Dan said. You held his hand, "I think it is beautiful in an odd way. I mean all of these walls were alive at one time, and I think that's pretty cool," you replied. "That was deep," Paxton said. Woody looked a little freaked out, and didn't say anything.

"That was awesome!" you said when you were out of the Catacombs. "Yea!" Dan and Paxton agreed. "I didn't particularly enjoy that," Woody said. "Fine, then you pick what we do tomorrow," Dan said. Woody thought for a moment, "Lets go to Disneyland!" Everyone thought that was a great idea. "Tonight we can go to the Eiffel Tower when it's all lit up!" Paxton said. "Yay!" you cheered. This was going to be a very fun trip.

Things We Lost In The Fire (Dan Smith/Bastille Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora