Chapter 9: Laura Palmer

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Dan let himself fall onto the couch. He sat up and patted the seat next to him. "Come cuddle," he said to you. you smiled and joined him on the couch. He put Twin Peaks on. "One second! pause it!" you yelled while running to your room. You grabbed your Twin Peaks sweater, and Dan's as well. "From now on," you said while walking back to the couch, "we have to wear these while watching the show." Dan smiled. "Deal," he answered.

The finale was the next episode. You had cried during it.

"I have a surprise!" Dan exclaimed as he jumped from the couch. He ran into your room. You could hear him rummaging through a drawer. "Aha!" he said. He then proceeded to walk to the piano.

"Walking out into the dark

Cutting out a different path

Led by a beating heart," he began to sing. When he was finished, you asked him what he called the song. "Laura Palmer. You didn't notice, but I have been writing this while we watched Twin Peaks," he explained. "It's great!" you exclaimed. "Thanks," he replied.

While making supper, you started humming the song. Dan walking in and starting singing along to your humming. You clapped for him at the end. "You have the most beautiful voice I have ever heard," you gushed. "Why thank you Madeline," he said.

"When did you know you loved me?" you asked Dan. "On the first night I met you, when you had that nightmare. I couldn't fall asleep, so I watched you. Oh, uh that sounds bad. I mean that in the least creepy way possible!" he struggled. You laughed. "I knew I loved you when you helped me. I fell and everyone would walk around me, like robots. But then you came and helped me up. I knew I loved you because you were all I could think about. All my troubles seemed to melt away when I looked at you," you gushed. "That's what it felt like for me that night. I knew I wouldn't eve be able to live without you," he added. You kissed him, ad ran your fingers through his hair. "Don't ever leave me." he mumbled into the kiss. "I won't," you mumbled back.

"Dan," you said when you two were in bed. "Huh?" he replied. "Can you sing to me. I can't get to sleep," you asked. "Sure," he said, and then began singing Laura Palmer.

"That's my favorite song," you said to Dan. He laughed, "I honestly don't think it's that great." You kissed his cheek. "I do," you whispered.

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