Chapter 36: Mourning

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Dan was crying when you woke up. "Dan? What's wrong, are you ok?" you asked. "My dad just called Madeline. My mum died last night," he sobbed. You held his large body in your arms. He cried into your shoulder. "I haven't talked to her in a long time, I didn't even know she was sick. I wanted her to be at our wedding. She didn't even get to meet you," he cried harder. You began to cry too.

"We have to go back for the funeral," Dan said. "Ok," you agreed. You were still both crying. You hated to see him like this. "Lets watch Twin Peaks," you suggested. He cuddled up beside you as it started. You stroked his messy hair, which he had neglected to do.

"Death is a terrible thing. You know a person for a while, and then they just leave you forever. I hope we die at the same time, so we never have to be apart," Dan whispered. You kissed him, and dried his eyes. "I hope so too. I would probably die if you did. It be a Romeo and Juliet kind of tragedy," you replied. He stared into your eyes. "I'd do the same," he murmed.

"I'm going to bed," Dan said, even though it was only 7:00. "Ok, I'll join you in a bit," you replied. He nodded and then left. You got bored after a few minutes and joined him in bed. He was sobbing in his sleep. You took his hand, and intertwined your fingers with his. You placed your head on his chest, and matched your breathing with him. You brushed some hair off of his forehead, and noticed he had a fever. You slipped out if bed and got a cold cloth to put on his forehead.

You didn't fall asleep that night. Every few hours you got up and replaced his cloth with a new one. He woke up a few times in tears. You would hold him in your arms and comfort him until he fell asleep.

Things We Lost In The Fire (Dan Smith/Bastille Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now