Chapter 16: Kyle Jr.

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You walked back into the room. You tapped Dan on the shoulder. He woke up. "You're gonna wanna see this," you told him. He hopped out of bed and followed you to the living room. "He did not," Dan was surprised. The living room was covered in pictures if cats. "Looks like Kyle did a little redecorating!" you giggled.

Kyle woke up. Dan gave him a lecture about cats. "Well if I had a room this wouldn't be a problem!" Kyle replied. Dan dragged the air bed into an empty room. "Voila! Your room sir!" Dan said. Kyle jumped up and ran to the living room. He carefully took off all the posters. Once he was done he ran into his new room and began to put them up. "I feel so at home!" he yelled.

"Kyle," Dan said when he entered the living room, "we've been thinking." He gestured towards himself and you. "It's time to get a cat." Kyle jumped into the air. "Well what are we waiting for! let's go pick one out!" Kyle practically yelled. He grabbed his jacket and raced out the door. "HURRY UP SLOWPOKES!" He screamed. "We're coming!" you answered. "What's with him and cats anyways?" you asked Dan. "I can honestly say, that I have no idea," he giggled. He wrapped and arm around your waist and pulled you close while you were walking.

Kyle picked a black and white one. "Let's get little Kyle jr. home!" he exclaimed. "Wait, Kyle jr.?" Dan asked. "Yea that's its name!" Kyle pranced. "It's a girl," Dan answered. "HEY KYLE CAN BE A GIRL NAME TOO YOU KNOW," he yelled back. You and Dan laughed. "Kyle jr. it is!" you replied.

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