Whispers Part 4

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Y/N woke again in the middle of the night this time, but her room was almost completely dark this time. There was only a small light coming in from under the door where the hallway was lit. "Let me go," she begged to anyone who may be in the room she couldn't see. Her vision was still heavily impaired from being in the medically induced coma.

"We cannot let you go, Princess" a whisper came from near her bed. Her head turned and it looked as if Severus had been sleeping on a separate cot in the room. "Lay with me," she begged in a whisper.

Severus let out a tired groan as he rose from the cot to his feet. "I would have to undo one of your wrists to get in the bed with you. There isn't room otherwise," he told her softly.

"I promise I'll be good," she pleaded with him frantically. "For now but I'll have to put it back on when I get out of bed. Do you understand?" he asked her softly. His hand went to hers that was laying on the bed. "Yes," she replied in a slightly panicked voice.

Severus carefully unfastened her leather wrist restraint so her arm could be free. Very carefully, he put his arms under her frail body to move it over in the bed. As carefully and calculated as he could, he climbed onto the bed with her.

He wrapped her up in his arms as gently as possible, giving her a kiss on the top of her head. "Did I die?" she whispered. "No, you didn't," he replied in a hitched voice full of emotion.

She turned her head, pushing it as close to his chest as possible, taking in the scent of him. "I wasn't here," she whispered. "We know. Are you ready for what we know?" Severus asked softly.

"I was in another place, my spirit. I don't know. It wasn't a dream at first. It was a place," she said shakily. "During your seizure we believe that you astralling projected to another place, unable to find your way back to your body," he whispered softly as his hand stroked her arm softly.

"Where are the girls right now?" she asked in a slightly demanding tone. "They are at home with Lucius tonight. Sleeping in the nursery as always," he replied reassuringly. "How long have I been missing for? That is the word. Missing," she asked.

"Several months," he replied nervously. "I thought the answer was going to be a few days," she admitted blankly. "I missed months of the girls, you, Lucius. I missed everything," she said with tears welling up in her eyes. "My milk is gone, isn't it?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry. The medications they had you sedated with, we couldn't give your milk to the girls. We used what we had stored in the freezer first. Your grandmother has been supplying us with goat's milk for them. We thought that would be your preferred choice over store bought milk powder," he replied with a sigh.

"I had a seizure? Is that what you told me? I am still confused," she admitted. "Yes. One second you were fine, the next you were on the floor convulsing. I was extremely grateful for Lucius, he helped me get you to the hospital. It took a team of people to hold you down enough to restrain you," he remarked solemnly.

"'I see you,' He hissed behind me. That's the last thing I remember," she admitted. "Let's not talk about that right now. We are relieved you are awake now. We were terrified," Severus admitted shakily.

"How long until the girls wake up?" she whispered. "Several more hours. I will hold you and we'll both go back to sleep," he replied softly. "If you fight in your sleep, I will have to restrain your wrist again," he added.

"I'm not doing it on purpose," she replied sleepily. "I know. I'm just telling you. Try to sleep. I love you, more than anything, Princess," he whispered. "I love you, Daddy. I said I would come home," she reminded him before falling asleep.

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