A Bolt of Lightning Part 2

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"Well, that is terrible interesting. What the chances that lesion could be successfully removed? Is that what is done? Are you the surgeon?" Y/N started grilling the befuddled doctor.

"Yes, I would perform the surgery. I cannot answer your question until we do some more testing. We need to do a new MRI to get a fuller picture of the damage. Weigh the risk vs. possible reward of removing this. Procedures like this are not without their risks.

I'm going to set up a scan for tomorrow morning. Once I have the results from that, we can formulate a plan on what should be done next," Dr. Humphries remarked as he switched the lights back on in the room.

"How many successful procedures like this have you had? I mean, where the surgery improves the quality of life," she asked curiously. "Each case is unique. That being said I am one of the most accomplished brain surgeons they could have brought in," he replied with an expressionless stare.

"What is the timeline for a surgery like that? My hesitation is being sedated like that and unable to wake up again," Y/N admitted nervously. "Recovery could take months. There are so many variables at play. I'm unable to give the definitive answers you would like at this time," the Dr. admitted.

"I'm only staying here a few more days of my own free will. When am I going to start the tablets for my seizures? I think it would be best to start taking these Iv and monitors off," she told him. Y/N felt Severus' hand on her shoulder, signaling that she was currently being too bossy.

"Do you think you can escape this facility?" the doctor questioned in bemusement. "I know that I can. The problem is that my legs aren't strong enough yet," she replied blankly.

"Are the healing potions so you can attempt to escape? I strongly advise against it," Dr. Humphries started scowling at her.

"No, they are so I can start walking on my own. Three more days and then I'm going home," she replied. "How is your mood?" the doctor asked curiously. "Atrocious," she grinned.

"Would you consider starting a tablet to help with your mood?" he asked softly. "I will try it," she rolled her eyes.

"I'll put in an order for your potions, and the tablets to be started. We could take your iv off as long as you are eating and drinking properly. The heart monitor we cannot take off yet," he remarked.

"Perhaps tomorrow," she grinned up at him. "Let's get the patient back in bed," Dr. Humphries grinned up at the men.

Severus and Lucius took her back to the hospital room, putting her back in bed. "Did you enjoy bullying him?" Severus grinned.

"Bully. I don't bully people. That is your job, Headmaster," she grinned. "You were doing a fine job of it back there," Lucius grinned at her.

"Pfft. Nonsense. I think you two aren't used to a woman speaking for herself. I'm terribly sorry but I am done being a wilting flower to appease the ego of a man," she grinned at them.

"You know. I think you and Cissa could be great friends. You have similar views on the subjugation of the male species," Lucius teased her.

"I have simply become the fire burning me alive. As for my girls, I'll show them how to breathe it. It will take a strong man to stand next to our flames," she smiled at him.

Suddenly there was a knock on the open door, a handsome young man with round glasses and shaggy brown hair stood in the doorway. Y/N's eyes widened, "HARRY!" she squealed.

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