The Bitch is Back

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Severus went to grab the Polaroid camera and snapped a picture of it before scattering the letters with his hand. "This isn't her," Severus mumbled with pitch black stormy eyes.

"She said something to me earlier. It was something he had said to me. She called me her slippery little friend," Lucius informed him with a with his own worried blue eyes.

"We have to find a way to sever the connection between them. She doesn't want to do the surgery, I felt that from her earlier when she was talking to the doctor," Severus sighed as they two men went to sit on the sofa.

"She will try to convince us of all the reasons to not do it, wasted time, recovery, putting her to sleep for an extended period of time. We have to be sure it's her speaking and not him. He's controlling her," Severus remarked.

Severus quickly got up from the sofa, rifling through her bag to find her diary. He brought it to his lips as Lucius watched on carefully. He whispered the phrase the diary, but it didn't open.

Severus filled with rage when the diary didn't open, he threw it with all of his stretch against the wall in a fit. "She changed the passphrase," he growled in anger.

"Maybe it wasn't by her own accord," Lucius offered softly. "We cannot blame all of her bad behavior on him. She was petulant child before this, that much didn't change. Maybe she is a stupid little bitch," Severus sneered in anger.

"Severus," Y/N hissed from the kitchen. "Is that any way to speak of your Master? I see you have lost your way," she hissed with glowing green eyes.

"Ah, I think not," Y/N pulled Severus' wand into her hand from across the room. "Lucius, do not move," Y/N informed them as she walked slowly into the sitting area.

She walked very calmly in front of Lucius extending her hand, "Lucius, I require your wand," she told him with glowing green eyes.

"My Lord, we do not wish to hurt the woman you're in habiting. Our wands will be useless," Severus interjected coldly.

"Give it to me," Y/N spoke in a hauntingly familiar hiss with her hand extended. Lucius grabbed his cane that was next to the sofa, removing the wand from it and handing to to Y/N.

"Severus sit," Y/N sneered back at him with glowing green eyes.

"My Lord," Severus started. "SIT!" she hissed loudly causing the floor to vibrate them. Severus sat down on the opposite end of the sofa as Y/N paced around.

"My great niece. I do hope the irony isn't lost on either of you," Y/N stated as she looked back and forth between the men.

"Did you really believe I would give up that easily? The world will never be rid of me as long as our shared blood courses through her veins," Y/N hissed as she paced back and forth in front of the men.

"Without a doubt, the finest form I have inhabited thus far," she grinned at the men.

Severus looked at Lucius quickly flashing a blink of the eye as he leapt up from the sofa, running towards Y/N.

Quickly, he wrestled the wands away from her and used the incarcerous spell, binding her torso in rope.

Her eyes quickly blinked back to their usual color as she started screaming. It was all the men could do to restrain her until she realized what was happening. Tears started pouring from her eyes in streams down the sides of her face.

"He cursed me," she cried in terror. "Every second, hot knives.." she cried before blacking out. 

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