Chapter 57: An Overlord Flower in the Apocalypse (17)

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In the next couple of days, whispers of a rumour spread like wildfire through the crowded corridors of the Dawn base that Florentina, the girl who was involved with Miss Alicia's fiance, had changed her target and was involved with Toby, who has his own base.

The murmurs even reached Hua's ears, causing a frown to crease her brow. She had heard expected that people would gossip, but now it seemed to take on a life of its own, spreading through the base like a virus.

Before she could think about what to do, Toby's subordinate appeared before her again with a smug grin plastered across their faces.

"Come on, girl," he began, his tone dripping with false sweetness. "We're heading out to stock up on supplies. We could use your space power."

Hua's eyes narrowed at this man's patronizing tone, her patience wearing thin. She had grown tired of their disgusting eyes and their persistent attempts to coax her. She had no intention of succumbing to their manipulative tactics.

"No, thank you," she replied curtly, her voice laced with barely concealed irritation. "I have other plans."

The subordinate's smile faltered slightly at her refusal, but he quickly regained his composure, nodding in understanding before turning to leave.

As he reported back to Toby, the man let out a hearty laugh, his amusement evident in the twinkle of his eyes.

"Looks like my little Goddess has a temper," he chuckled, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "But it's not a problem. We'll just have to coax her a little more, won't we?"

With a wave of his hand, Toby dismissed the subordinate, his mind already turning to the next step of his plan. He knew what Florentina meant to him, and he was determined to win her over, no matter the cost.

However, he had many things to do at the base and many supplies they needed. So he decided to leave first but left two people to take Florentina back. Toby warned the two people to coax the girl well and always to be polite.

In the water station's control room, Isaiah, the head of the water station, had his brow furrowed with worry. The rumours swirling around the base had reached his ears, and the thought of losing Florentina, their most valuable asset in the water department, filled him with dread.

"We're running out of time," he muttered to himself and immediately sought out Florentina to convince her not to move away from the Dawn base.

When he found her, her calm demeanour was a stark contrast to Isaiah's frantic chattering.

"There must be other sources of water you can use," Hua suggested, her voice steady and confident. "And I've been working with the other water powers to enhance their abilities. With a little more cultivation, they should be able to produce enough water for your supplies."

Isaiah sighed heavily, rubbing his temples in frustration. "It's not just about quantity. It's about quality too. Before, we could rely on the reservoir, but now it is contaminated, and we don't have the means to purify them."

Hua listened intently, her mind already working on a solution. "You said a water reservoir? Where is it?"

Isaiah nodded, his expression hopeful yet doubtful. "It's just north from here, but it's been contaminated by zombies falling into the water during the chaos."

Without hesitation, Hua decided to investigate the reservoir. Accompanied by Isaiah and his team, she made her way to the site.

As they approached the reservoir, Hua surveyed the vast expanse of water, her mind buzzing with possibilities. "Aren't there water purifiers here?" Before the apocalypse, the facility was equipped to purify water until it was good enough to drink.

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