Chapter 2

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Natasha landed the jet in the plaza and Iron Man led Loki on.

"Are you coming, Mira?" Steve asked me.

"Sure, I'll tag along."

"Hey!  You can't leave me here!" Emily protested.

"As long as my friend Emily is allowed to come with." I finished.

"I have no objection to that." He led Emily on board.  Loki had been strapped into a seat.  There was a seat next to him and another seat on the other side.  Emily quickly took the other seat, leaving the only available one next to Loki.  Not wanting to go near him, I went and stood by her.

"Just go sit next to him for God's sake."

"Emily!  Did you see what he did?"

"So?  You find him attractive and you have never had a boyfriend.  You need to find yourself a man!  So go!  It's not like he'll hurt you and you don't look all that comfortable in those shoes."

"Agent Brooks, report." Nick Fury called from the communicator in the front.  I braced myself.  I hadn't exactly told him I was going to take a leave of absence, the whole party thing had come on rather quickly.  Pulling on my usual poker face, I walked up behind Natasha's seat.

"Yes Director?"

"Do you know how much panic your disappearance caused?  Coulson went to your place to check in with you and you were gone.  That is against protocol–"

"Yeah, yeah, I know.  But I haven't taken a vacation in like five years.  I think I earned a couple days off the radar.  I was just visiting my friend."

"How much does this friend know?"

"Not all of it but she knows about the wings, I didn't exactly know how to hide them twelve years ago."

"Well I'm afraid your little vacation is over.  We need you back here.  It's important."

"Fine.  But Emily is coming too or you've got no deal." Fury gritted his teeth.

"Fine.  Dismissed." I walked back to Emily.

"Not all of it?" She questioned.

"I don't want to talk about it."  Seeing no other option, I went and sat in the seat next to Loki.  I felt really overdressed in my formal, floor length dress and four inch heels.  As I sat down, Loki scooted over as best he could to try to avoid touching me.  My sharp eyesight caught the slight wince as he shifted.  He must've been hurt in the skirmish with Steve.  Natasha hung up with Fury and that's when the trouble started.  The clear night had turned into a cloudy one, then a stormy one.  A large bolt of lightning flashed not far from the jet.  I stiffened.  I was afraid of thunderstorms, particularly because I had been stupid enough to think I could fly in one.  After minutes of being tossed around like a rag doll by the wind, I was struck by lightning and fell into the lake I had been crossing.  I was lucky I landed close to shore and Emily was able to wade in and drag me out.  My wings and the water had broken my fall but I still had had a major concussion.  Thunder boomed nearby, scaring me out of my wits.  Instinctively, I grabbed at the thing closest to me.  That just happened to be Loki's hand.  I got an electric shock when our skin touched but I thought nothing of it.  I looked at him, expecting him to give me a glare or at least a smirk but he looked as scared as I was, in fact, he squeezed my hand back.

"What?  Scared of a little lightning?" Steve's comment was directed at Loki but I couldn't help but feel slightly offended.

"I am not overly fond of what follows."  Did he mean thunder?  Loki continued to look skyward.  Moments after the blast, something large and heavy landed on top of the jet, making it shake.  I fell out of my seat and my ankle twisted painfully as I tried to catch myself.  I should've buckled up.  Loki attempted to lean forward and catch me but the restraints prevented him from doing so.  Tony and Steve put their helmets on and opened the hatch.

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