Chapter 141

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"Sister. Good to see you well." 142 stepped on Hulk's calf as she moved towards the door.

"You're so thick-headed that you can't tell that someone who's hiding all the way across the universe wants to be left alone?"

"We need to talk."

"No. You want to talk to me. Come along."

"Uh, I need her to stay." I heard Hulk moving around, and the next thing I knew, something flew over our heads and landed in the doorway. It looked like the jawbone of a massive animal!

"Stay! Please?" Hulk reconsidered his harsh tone after the first word.

"Please." 142 turned around, annoyed.

"Alright." Hulk began throwing a ball against the wall, "But here's the deal." She walked over to the shelves of various bottles of alcohol, "I'll listen to you," She selected a large bottle of brown mead, "until this is empty." That was all the warning Thor got before she tilted her head back, put the mouth to her lips, and starting chugging.

"Asgard is in danger, people are dying," The level of liquid in the bottle was dropping at an alarming rate, "We need to get back there, I need you" The bottle was already empty.

"Finished." She dropped it and the glass shattered, "Bye." She went for the door again, grabbing my arm this time as she passed me.

"Odin is dead." That made her stop short, "Hela the goddess of death has invaded Asgard."

"If Hela's back then Asgard's already lost." Hold on, how did 142 know so much about Asgard? And why did Odin's death mean anything to her?

"I'm going to stop her."


"Nope, I'm putting together a team. It's me, you, Mira, and the big guy."

"No, no team! Only Hulk!"

"It's me, and you, and Mira."

"I think it's only you. Now we have an appointment with Lackey." She started to walk again.

"Please, listen! The Valkyrie are legend, elite warriors of Asgard sworn to defend the throne."

"What do these warriors have to do with anything, Thor?"

"Because she's a Valkyrie." His tone was rather accusatory, "The only one left."

"How do you know?"

"Because we were all wiped out. By Hela. And that's why I'm not being dragged into another one of Odin's family squabbles."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Your sister. Her power comes from Asgard, same as yours. When it grew beyond Odin's control, she massacred everyone in the palace and tried to seize the throne. When she tried to escape her banishment, he sent the Valkyrie in the fight her back. I only survived because..." She trailed off, her eyes far away. "Look, I already faced her once back when I believed in the throne, and it cost me everything. That's what's wrong with Asgard, the throne, the secrets, the whole golden sham." She tried to get around Thor, but he grabbed her arm.

"I agree." In the blink of an eye, she'd spun around, pushed his hand away and had a dagger at his throat.

"Don't get familiar."

"I agree," Thor was calmer this time, "That's why I turned down the throne." He gently moved the dagger away, but 142 just lifted her other hand, equally armed, and that took the place of the first, "But this isn't about the crown," He moved the second hand away, "This is about the people, and they're dying, and they're your people too."

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