Chapter 24

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Thirteen days had passed since I had received the letter and the necklace. Loki would be released from isolation at dawn tomorrow. No matter what, I wanted to be there. To be the first person he saw in a month. The first person he touched or hugged. It felt ten times worse than Christmas Eve morning or the day before company arrived. Last week, I had begun sleeping in Loki's room using his cape as a blanket simply because it smelled like him and I had the inexplicable urge to be close to him. No matter how hard I worked myself in the morning training, I couldn't calm my anxiety. Even during breaks I was pacing back or forth and during the meals I was constantly tapping my foot or fiddling with something.

To be honest, Loki's imminent release had been on the corner of my consciousness constantly for the past four days or so, preventing me from finding sleep at night and waking my up early in the morning. I wore the necklace constantly unless I was performing magic or bathing, I didn't want to risk damaging the precious material.

However, it seemed no matter how little sleep I got, I always awoke with boundless energy that I simply could not wear down. Today it was worse than ever. It was the last day I would have to be alone. Each second felt like a year and every minute, an eon. The day could not pass quickly enough. I even got to the point where I just couldn't go to training. I had to do something I hadn't done in a long time to better wear me out. So, I decided to go for a swim after breakfast instead and asked Thor where a suitable place would be.

"Well, there is a lake about a twenty minute ride from here by horse. Will that suffice?"

"Is it well-hidden and secluded?"

"Yes, my friends, Loki, mother and I are the only ones who know about it. Do feel free to take any of the horses. Will you return for the midday meal?"

"Yes. Don't worry if I'm a little late, I tend to lose track of time." With specific directions from Thor, I was at the pond within half an hour after I left breakfast.

Due to the fact that I lacked a suit and I was alone, I tethered my horse to a nearby tree branch, stripped down completely, and waded into the water.

Unknown POV

Everyone was training in the area again this morning. No, wait. Not everyone. The Angel was missing. I dare not come forward and inquire of her whereabouts, they had clamped up about her when she wasn't around since the trial and I wondered why. During the past month, I had often observed at least one of them whispering several times, stopping whenever a stranger got too close. It was as if they had a secret they did not want anyone else to know and today, that was going to end.

"Hey, where's Mira? Isn't she normally here by now?"

"The Lady Mira has decided to take this morning off."

"Really? Why? She never misses practice!"

"It's probably got something to do with Loki getting out tomorrow."

"Has a month really gone by already?"

"Speaking of time passing quickly, when does she plan to tell the Allfather the truth? The longer she waits to inform him that she is not what she seems, the more furious he will be."

"To speak the truth, I do not know. He will be furious, yes, but he will not be able to do anything since she never directly claimed anything of the sort." Wait, the 'Angel' was keeping secrets from the Allfather and the Warriors Three, the Lady Sif, Thor, and Loki knew about it? That was treason!

"We must remember that when my brother is released that the trouble for him will not stop. In two months and a day, Sigyn will be released from the dungeon and she will cause trouble for the two of them to no end. If I know my brother, and I do, he plans to take Mira to another realm where they can live in peace. I know she has connections back on Midgard, it is where she is from after all, but due to her origin and the manner in which she left, I do not believe that the Director of Fury will accept her back so easily. She betrayed him to come here with Loki."

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