Chapter 126

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Mira's POV

I heard roaring laughter, glasses clinking, and dorky sound effects. When I opened my eyes, I saw half the crowd looking at their phones and the other at the TV. Loki was sitting on the floor next to me on an iPad, looking at a list of seemingly random choices, and tapped one of them.

"What's going on?" I placed a hand on her shoulder, using her as a balance so I could lean forward.

"We're playing some electronic game that revolves around lying." I scoffed.

"What, they wanted to stroke your ego? You're probably kicking their asses!"

"Well, half of it is also about knowing the others, and I don't know them as well as you do, so some of my lies aren't as believable as the others." A new question appeared on the screen.

"Here's a good example, I don't know Stark well enough to know what he's anxiously awaiting."

"Give it here." She handed me the tablet and I quickly typed an answer. When they all showed up on the screen, there was an explosion of laughter while everyone picked their answers. And they didn't get their breath back until they started going through the answers.

"Ok, seriously. Who put 'Pepper's period'?" Tony sounded so offended that six people had fallen for it.

"But it's true, isn't it?" His mouth opened, but he couldn't come up with a response that wasn't a lie.

"Mira's awake!" Attention went back to the screen when the scores came in and Loki shot to the top of the board.

"That's no fair, she entered it for her!"

"I'll join when the next game starts."

"And no helping Loki!" I rolled my eyes.


We all had a lot of laughs over the next few hours, and it felt like I had at least as many trips to the bathroom, but it was so worth it. These past few days had been nice, but we'd all been hanging out in smaller groups. Unfortunately though, all the fun came to an end when Peter got a FaceTime call through the Xbox. And he answered it before he could really comprehend who it was.

"Peter! It's 1am! What are you doing!? Who are all those people? I thought Mr. Stark was taking you to a retreat." Peter froze and several different things happened at once. Loki turned around, throwing a blanket over me, Steve pulled himself and Bucky out of view, and Scott, Wanda, and Clint dropped to the floor so the sofa would hide them.

"Uh...hi Aunt May. Wh-what's up? It's actually only 11 here. And these are all of Tony's....friends."


"Hey, Aunt May!" Tony sauntered into view, "Peter's been awesome! He's providing us all a way to play games together!"

"Why is nobody there under drinking age?"

"There are several people here who haven't had a drop to drink tonight and he gets along with them very well! He's in good hands."

"And all these people are...other employees?"

"No, just friends."

"Then I'm not sure I'm comfortable with–"

"Oh, he's fine. He'll be back tomorrow night. Late." He leaned over Peter's shoulder and ended the call. Slowly, people returned to their original places, but the lighthearted atmosphere was gone.

"Do you think she recognized any of us? Those who aren't supposed to be here."

"I don't think so. She may have."

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