[66]: Birthday Shots & Horrid Hangovers

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**Thank you @Mizzdiva13 for my lovely banner**

After downing way too many shots with the girls, we head back onto the dance floor along with a new friend we'd made. His name is Jake; he'd joined me and the girls at the bar when we were doing shots. He was tall, tanned, with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He was gorgeous.

But as good looking as he was...I wasn't interested, I knew my heart belonged to someone else. Even if I am mad at him right now.

"You want another drink?" He smiled as we danced.

"Sure" I smiled and he lead me off the dance floor. I caught Nina's eye as I walked past her and she smirked at me. I stumbled slightly as I reached the bar, grasping onto the side to steady myself. I was drunk.

"Whoa careful there babe." Jake smiled helping me up.


Passing me a large glass of rose wine we made our way over to our booth. I could see Ayla talking to Marcus, whilst Ash was next to him with Nina practically sat on his lap. I slid in first, placing my wine on the table before Jake sat down next to me.

"You okay Lyd?" Ayla asked and I nodded

"I'm great. Guys this is Jack." I say pointing to my new friend.

"It's Jake" he laughed

"Yea...that's what I just said...Jake" I laughed picking up my glass of wine.

"And how do you know him exactly?" Ash asked from across the table.

"I don't really; I just met him at the bar. He's a new friend." I reply whilst taking a sip of my wine, then spilling some of it as I knocked it when I placed it back on the table.

"I think you've had enough to drink." Ash says trying to take my glass off me

"Get off. I'm fine."

"Lou..." he sighed

"Leave it Ash, I'm having fun."

"Who's Lou? Thought your name was Lydia?" Jake asked confused

"That's her name; I just have a nickname for her. I'm her boyfriend, Ashton." He replied sternly.

"Oh right, okay." Jake says he didn't seem happy with that reply.

"Lyd, I agree with Ash. I think you need to stop drinking now." Lois says moving my wine.


Grabbing my glass I downed it before anyone else could tell me what to do, it was my birthday dammit and I intended on getting very drunk.

"So you enjoying your birthday?" Jake asked and I nodded

"Yea, I'm having a great time now." I smiled.

"Lou can we go somewhere and talk please." Ash asked and I shook my head.

Nina looked over at me with a filthy look before running her finger down his cheek to get Ash's attention.

"Ash you want to dance?" I heard her giggle

"No but you can go dance if you want, I'm not stopping you."

"No it's okay. I want to stay with you." She replied. I was gritting my teeth looking at her; she was just as bad as Rachel.

"I thought you said you were Lydia's boyfriend." Jake says looking at Ash and Nina.

"I am." Ash replies immediately.

"Then why the hell are you letting that chick touch you up and flirt with you right in front of your girl?" he says pointing at Nina.

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