I Missed You | Vobi

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Ship: Vobi
Genre: Fluffy goodness
Relationship: Dating
Prompt above
Your Tobstar NuclearPanda88 as requested
For this pretend Tobi moved into the Sidemen house.

A/N: not edited
One New Message from Baestar

Baestar: How much longer?

Black Goalie: A few hours but if it makes ya feel better I'm gettin in the car now to drive back.

Baestar: It's like 10?!?! You won't be back here till like 2 am!

Black Goalie: So? I get to cuddle with my star boy if I leave now. 😚

Baestar: Awww Tabi! I'm blushing now and Simon is questioning it. ☺️😳

Black Goalie: Tell Simon to go kiss Ethan or somethin.

Black Goalie: What are you doing with him anyway?

Baestar: Well now my arms hurts cause he punched it. We were watching a movie. Why? Is Tabi jealous?

Black Goalie: Yes! He gets to see you and I haven't seen you in almost a week!

Baestar: Well your family missed you so it's okay and I promise extra snugly snuggles when you get here.

Black Goalie: 😍

Baestar: Shouldn't you be driving now? No more texting if you are.

Black Goalie: Nah I've just been sitting in the car while I text you.

Baestar: WHAT! That's precious driving time wasted which leads to less cuddle time.

Black Goalie: But I like talking to you

Baestar: CUDDLES TABI CUDDLES and in person talking.

Black Goalie: Dang you're right. I'm going now. 😘

Baestar: See you in a few ☺️

~Vik's POV~

I set down my phone and sigh. Simon looks over at me.

"What wrong Vik?"

I bring my knees up and tuck them under my chin.

"I just miss Tobi. He's getting here in about 4 hours."

"Dude, you guys have the worst cases of separation anxiety I have every seen."

"Do not."

I roll my eyes as Simon nods his head.

"Yeah, you do. Tobi freaked when you went to the store last month. I thought we were going to have to restrain him."

"You're over exaggerating Simon."

"No, I'm not. He's the aggressive one and you shut down."

"Is it a crime to miss him?"

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