Let's Be Friends (With Benefits) | Luxstar

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Ship: Luxstar (Working off the minifreezy one shot)

Relationship: FWB 

Genre: Some sexual, some fluff, some angst

A/N: I'm trying my best, I'm going solo for the smutty parts. Also, Spanish speaking Vik for the win. (Google translate so if it's wrong I apologize)


~Harry's POV~

"Papi! Más fuerte! Por favor! Me haces sentir muy bien Papi! 

(Daddy! Harder! Please! You make me feel so good Daddy!)

"Oh, baby boy. You look so good. All dressed up for Daddy."


The moans that I had walked into abruptly stop and I hear rustling coming from Callux's room. A minute later, Cal emerges. His hair is a mess and since he's shirtless, I can see the scratch marks that trail down his back. As well as the hickies that litter his neck and chest.

"Hey, Harry. What's up?"

"I'd say your dick, but I stopped that."

He groans and shuffles to the kitchen. I make my way to Cal's room and knock softly on the door.

"Vik? Josh is downstairs waiting if you want to go home."

I hear movement and a few seconds alter the door creaks open to reveal  a completely destroyed Vik. His face is painted red in the shape of hand marks, tear tracks stain his face, and I can tell he's leaning heavily on the door frame.

"I'll be ready in about ten... Can you get me an ice pack?"

"Of course Vikky. Are you okay, though?"


His face breaks out in a blush and he hangs his head with a small smile.

"Just a little rougher than I'm used to I guess."

I slap my hands over my ears and start screaming out 'la la la's' as Vik laughs at me. He closes the door again and I join Cal in the kitchen. He's standing at the stove, watching the kettle intensely.

"He's utterly wrecked man. You need to be more careful. I'm gonna have to tell Josh, so they can take care of him."

He turns his head slightly to look at me and just shrugs his shoulders. Total indifference making up his posture. I let out a long sigh and take my phone from my pocket.

"Josh is going to kick your ass."

That gets his attention and his eyes zero in on the phone that's now pressed to my ear. After a couple of rings, Josh answers.

"Hey, babe! Is Vik coming down?"

"Hey, um. You might have to come get him and bring him down. He's a bit... um... uncomfortable."

I see Cal flinch at my choice of words and abandons his tea making to fetch an ice pack. He disappears and I speak openly to Josh.

"He's fine Joshy. Cal had him speaking fucking Spanish and I think the infamous skirt that Freezy mentions is back in play. It's disgusting listening to them. I'm pretty sure I heard a slap as well. As usual, Cal is acting like nothing happened."

"That fucker. Does he not know how much it hurts Vik. How indifferent he acts towards him. Hell, that's why Vik was crying last night."

"Vik was crying?"

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