Accidental | Zerkstar

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Ship: Zerkstar

Genre: Fluff

Relationship: Dating


A/N: I can't apologize enough to you guys

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A/N: I can't apologize enough to you guys. It's been a month since my last one shot, I'm so sorry.

Picture was done by me and can be found in my art book as well (shameless plug).


~Josh's POV~

I rub at my eyes, hoping the stimulation will wake me up a bit. I'd fucked up a bit, but I was fine. I have an important meeting with a possibly brand sponsor. Problem is that the person they want me to talk to is currently in Tokyo, meaning messed up meeting times.

This was our third Skype conference and the late nights were beginning to take a toll on me. With recording and trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, time was becoming my enemy.

There is fifteen minutes before the next meeting when a timid knock sounds from my door. With a groan and multiple cracking bones, I stand and open the door. I can't help but smile giddily at what greets me.

A sleepy Vik, eyes barely open and dangerously swaying. He's snuggled up in his pizza onesie and his comforter wrapped around him loosely.

"Baby? What's wrong?"

"Want you."

"I know Baby, but I have a meeting in little bit."

He stumbles forward and ducks under my arm.


He ignores me and curls up on my bed.


I sigh and sit next to him.

"I can't Baby. I have a Skype call soon."

His eyes fill with tears and my heart breaks a bit. He latches onto my hand and cuddles it to his chest.

"No go. You haven't cuddled with me in days."

I use my other hand to comb through his hair, somewhat straightening the sleep-disheveled locks.

Vik's eyes close in contentment at the attention.

"How about a deal? You can cuddle with me during the call, but you can't make any noise."

His head nods quickly and he shakily gets to his feet. He about falls over and I catch him.

"Careful Baby... Have you been sleeping the past few days?"

"No... waited for you, but you never came."

"I'm sorry Baby."

I sit in my chair and pull the snuggly boy into my lap. His knees tuck into the sides of the chair and his face cuddles into my neck. His breaths even out almost immediately as he falls asleep.

My sweetie pie.

The ringing from my computer distracts me and very slowly I answer the call.

"He- well hello there."

"This is Vik, whom I'm sure you've seen. He's out cold, so he's gonna stay here."

"No problem with that on my end. Let's start."


My eyes feel like they're on fire as the call drags on. Legal shit is so exhausting. So far during the call, Vik had been quiet. There was the occasional whimper leaving him or shifting of his legs every now and then.

"Two more documents and then we'll be done Josh. Sorry."

"No no, it's okay."


The fear in Vik's voice instantly concerned me. I look down and see that his eyes are still closed and his breathing only slightly faster than normal. He begins whimpering and squirming, his face contorting in horror and fear. Realizing he's in a nightmare, I grip his shoulders and pull him away from my body. Upon doing this, Vik's arm shoots out and slaps me across the face.


"Vik! Wake up, Baby! It's just a dream!"

Several minutes of coaxing and cooing finally brings my beautiful baby back to the waking world. He notices the red tint on my one cheek immediately and rushes to get an ice pack.

"He's a cute one. Never expected such a powerful slap from him. Gotta watch out for those in the future."

We both laugh and I turn as Vik walks back in with the ice pack neatly wrapped in a tea towel. Determinedly, he presses it to the sore spot. A shiver wrecks down my spine at the sudden temperature change, but I still sigh in relief as the once burning skin cools.

"I'm sorry Joshy."

"S'okay Baby. It was accidental."

He pecks my nose and returns to his spot on my lap.

"You okay with me posting this to twitter? This adorable."

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