Of Mice and Men | Multiple

778 33 4

Ship: Zerkstar & Ksimon

Relationship: Dating

Genre: Fluff

Prompt: From a miss StarsOfSteel


~Third Person~

No one really knew why they chose this house. Maybe it was the constant presence of dirty dishes that seemed to plague all of their rooms. Maybe it was the fact that they sometimes got distracted while cooking, which led to food being left in random parts of the house. Maybe it was Vik and Simon's sweet tooth. They had hidden various sweets, cookies, and confectionaries in the most random parts of the house. To be fair to them, they chose barely visited spots, which led to JJ pulling out a container of doughnuts from his dresser. Apparently, the container had been there for a few months, they just refilled it every now and then.

Whatever the cause, the Sidemen house now had a rat problem. A pretty huge rat problem. Josh was none too pleased to wake up one morning, glance over, and see a fucking rat nibbling on last night's sandwich remands. Needless to say, a house meeting was held, with much whining.

~Josh's POV~

"I don't fucking care how much they cost Vik! They are food for the rats and need to be cleaned up!"

Vik sulks into his chair as we lay down the new rules. I had gone to Tescos earlier and purchased mouse traps as well as one of those cage traps. Simon picks at the bag of traps, a glum expression marring his face.

"You don't have to yell at me JJ."

"Then fucking listen to your boyfriend."

I glare at JJ and move to hug Vik. He accepts the hug but doesn't hug back.


"Just no more food in your room until they're all gone, okay Doll?"



We've caught twenty-two rats, and there are still more. Something is eating the bait we put out.

JJ and I swear Vik and Simon are going through withdraw. Three days after the new rules, Vik spent most of the day wailing and sweating, and Simon wasn't much better. Twas a dark day in the Sidemen household. We didn't tell them to stop eating sweets, but their intake has definitely lessened.

As far as the traps went, all of the mice had been caught int the standard ones. Nothing has wandered into our cage one yet. I pull Vik a bit closer to me as he slightly snores. His breaths cascade across my neck, where he is snuggled. I can faintly hear JJ and Simon talking somewhere, their voices rising and falling in volume as their conversation carries on.

I am about to drift off into dreamland myself when I hear a loud THWAP! It startled Vik from his slumber and I cautiously get up from the bed. I poke my head outta my room and see the other two doing the same thing.

"Do you think..?"

Vik, half asleep, pushes past me and stumbles over to where we had set the cage trap. He disappears around the corner and all three of us take off running when we hear his scream. Simon reaches him first, and he lets out a shriek as well. I creep closer and see a baby mouse caught in the cage trap.

"Look at him!!! It's so cuuuute!!"

Before I can stop him, Vik undoes the trap and picks up the vermin. Simon coos and pets the mouse's head. The bugger's nose twitches, but does nothing to fight off the affection being given by the two boys.

JJ and I look at each other in disbelief. For a few more minutes, Simon and Vik fawn over the baby mouse. Both eventually rise up from the floor and go to the kitchen.

"Simon? Can you look up foods it can eat?"

As Simon searches in his phone, Vik retrieves one of the smaller clothing boxes we have lying around the house. He rips up some old paper and roses it in, before putting the mouse in there. Then he grabs a dish and fills it with water, sticking it in the box as well.

"Holy shit! They can eat Mac and cheese."

Vik stares at Simon with a blank expression before he sheepishly looks back at his phone.

"Apples and bananas are okay to eat."

Vik moves again, this time grabbing said foods. He finely chops them and puts them in another dish, which he again places in the box.


"JJ, shut up. You have no voice in this matter."

Bewildered, JJ stands silently by as Vik and Simon make a home for the small rodent. I resign myself to getting a snack and much in it from the doorway, scrolling through the latest comments on my video.

"Joshy! Meet Chooha!"

Something tickles my nose and I glance up to see the fluff ball of the mouse in my face.


"It means field mouse in Hindi, now come on! We need to go to the pet store."

After that, Vik sprints for the front door after giving the mouse to Simon and grabbing his car keys. I follow behind him at a slower pace. I wave goodbye to a shell-shocked JJ and an excited Simon.

Welcome to the Sidemen, Chooha.

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