Chat up | Zingstar

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Ship: Zingstar 

Relationship: Strangers

Genre: Fluff

Prompt: Provided by AmericanSoulKeeper A has a friend who brings there cousin along, 'sB to the movies. And they start flirting but the friend is very protective of the cousin so they start getting mad at A. So A and B start to intentionally be cute to make C (their friend) mad but end up actually getting together (changed a little bit)

Au where the boys are all 21, except for Vik who is 18

A/N: Not edited and this is absolutely horrible


~Vik's POV~

"If you don't behave I'll tell Aunt Alex."

I look to my cousin in dismay.

"Really Simon? You'll tell my mom? Just cause you're three years older then me, doesn't mean you are the boss of me."

"Well, we are meeting with my friend and I don't want to have to worry about you."

"We both know that I'll be fine."

Simon wraps his arm around my neck and then mess up my hair with his hand.

"Still gotta look out for you lil Vikky."

"Simon! I'm 18, I'm not little anymore!"

"Your height says otherwise."


We both start laughing at each other. We make our to the park where we are meeting Simon's friend. Thankfully, there are only a couple people in the park so it's quiet. We find an open bench and sprawl ourselves onto it. 

"How long till your friend is here?"

Simon takes out his phone and quickly types. A few seconds later his phone dings and he starts typing again.

"He went to the wrong park so he'll be here in like five minutes."


He suddenly stands up and starts walking away.

"HEY! Where are you going?"



He keeps walking and I watch him in confusion. He approaches someone sitting on a bench and starts talking to them. Weird. I lean back on the bench and close my eyes. I hear footsteps, but choose to ignore them. It's probably Simon trying to scare me or some shit. I hear them sit down and take a breath.

"Are you the environment? Because I care about you."

My eyes fly open and I look at the voice. It's a boy. He looks older than me and he has slightly ginger hair. He has a confident smile plastered on his face, but I can see the nervousness in his eyes. I raise my eyebrow at him

"Excuse me?"

His smile slightly falters, but he brushes it off.

"Are you an incredible natural landscape we need to save from industrialization? Because you're beautiful."

I blush and look down. A total stranger is hitting on me. With nature pick up lines.

"Ethan! I see you've met Vik."

Simon had made his way back over to the bench and was standing in front of me.

"WHAT?! Ah shit."

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