New Year's | Ministar

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Ship: Ministar
(I blame FloJoUno. I am full blown Ministar trash now.)
Relationship: Dating
Genre: Fluff
A/N: Not edited or proofread. I jus wanted to get this out quickly.
Happy New Year everyone <3
~Simon's POV~ 

"Siiiiiiiiiii! Cooooooome oooooooooon! I'm cold!"

I laugh and gaze at Vik as we walk down the street.

"It's your own fault Star."

"No, it is not."

"It is. You wanted champagne and popcorn."

"Cause we are gonna watch a movie! And you have to have champagne on New Years! It's like law!"

"Well, the law is making us freeze our asses off.... Your hands are blue."

He holds up his hands and grimaces.

"Is it bad that I can't feel them?"

"Where are your gloves? Didn't you just get like super duper ones or something?"

"Forgot.... Them.... At..... Home."

Between each word, he breathes onto his hands in a futile effort. I sigh and shift the shopping bag to one arm. I begin tugging off my right mitten.

"What are you doing?"

"Allowing you to keep your fingers. Give me your right hand."

He holds it up and I slip it on.

"What about your hand?"

I grab his left hand in my own. I then take both of our hands and stick them in my coat pocket.


"Mhmm, thanks, Love."

"S'no problem Little Star."

We keep walking and finally make it back to the flat. We quickly busy ourselves with taking out jackets and shoes off. Vik disappears into our bedroom and I head to the kitchen.

"Three hours Little Star! I'm going to start making the popcorn!"


"Did you figure out what movie we're watching?"

I hear the door open and Vik pad his way to the kitchen. When he steps into the kitchen, I scoop him up in my arms.

"You're too cute for your own good."

Vik is wearing my jumper and has a 2016 tiara on. He plops a hat on my head and kisses my cheek.

"There. All set for the countdown."

I untangle my arms from him and continue making the delicious snack.

"The DaVinci Code by the way."


"You asked what movie. The DaVinci Code. It's on Netflix and it's a good movie so why not."

"Mmk Star."

~Time Skip~

We are about half way through the movie when Vik suddenly sits up from our cuddle position. I groan in protest and he shushes me.



"Throw it."

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