5v1 | Zerkstar

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Ship: Zerkstar
Relationship: Dating
Genre: *Doo Da Doooooo* SUPER FLUFF (Or as close as I can get)
Prompt: Multiple.
Requested by amazing_username
Shorter than usual. Sorry. :( 
5 Times Josh Caught Vik Acting Like A Cat and The 1 Time He Made Him.

~Josh's POV~

I pull the clothes out of the dryer and dump them into the laundry basket at my feet. Hefting it onto my hip, I trod out of the room and make my way to our bedroom. Halfway there, the doorbell goes off. With a sigh, I unceremoniously dump the basket on the couch and make my way to the door. The doorbell goes off again just as I reach it. I open the door and nervous teenager stands there.

"Um... Hello, s-sir. Um. I have your pizza that you ordered. Th-that'll be 15.45."

I open the door wider and motion him to enter. He hesitantly steps in. I walk back to the kitchen and grab my wallet off the counter. I hear rustling in the lunge, but I shrug it off. I make my way back to the front door and hand the money to the teen. He gives me my change and rushes out the door after handing me the food. I slip back into the kitchen and deposit the food onto the counter.

I hear more sounds coming from the lunge and now I'm curious. I shuffle out of the kitchen into the lounge. I peer onto the couch and smile at the sight. Vik has snuggled himself into the basket of clothes. His head is poking out of the pile and he's pawing at one of the shirts. I start laughing and he sharply glances up.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? They're warm."


The alarm clock blares throughout our room. I feel Vik stir and slowly get off of me.

"Shut up."

The deafening noise is silenced and I feel Vik settle back onto my chest. His hands creep up my chest and into my hair.

"Wake up Joshy."

"Five more minutes."


I feel him move around and then hold still. I hear a little click and-


I open my eyes in concern and see Vik rubbing his own with his phone in his hand. He looks to me and I watch in amazement as his pupils slowly turn from slits back to normal. I've seen this multiple times, but it still leaves me in wonder. I pick my own phone up and turn the screen to Vik's face, hitting the button at the same time.



Vik, Simon, and I are watching a movie. All of us lazily draped along the couch. Bored with the plot, I escape to the kitchen. After a couple of minutes of raiding the fridge, I hear growls and laughter drifting in from the lounge. Curious, I walk back and take in the scene. Simon has a laser pointer and Vik is furiously chasing the red dot. Simon directs it to a chair. Vik pounces onto the chair and starts scratching furiously at it. In my fights of laughter, I fail to see the light drop to my leg. I watch as Vik's face changes from playful to predatorial. He smirks at me as if accepting a challenge and leaps from the chair. He crashes into me and looks at me innocently.



I step out of the shower. I wrap the towel I have loosely around my hips and pad out of the bathroom into the bedroom. I lean against the doorway and watch Vik as he pulls off his shirt. The fur on his ears becomes ruffled as well as his hair. I step over to the dresser and pull on a pair of boxers. By now Vik has turned to watch me. He crawls into bed and I follow. He nestles into my chest and huffs slightly. He raises his head and looks up at me. He shifts upwards and burrows his face into my hair. I feel it being tugged and I laugh.


He simply hums. I begin rubbing his hip.

"What are you doing?"

The tugs stop and he makes his face even with mine.

"Just because you took a shower, does not mean you are clean. I'm fixing that."

He returns to his grooming and I hum and I trace patterns into his lower back.


"Vik! I'm home!"

The house is dark and I assume that Vik has gone to bed. I trudge into the kitchen and drop my keys on the counter. I move around the island, but trip over something. A small yowl rings out and my ankle erupts in pain.


The pain lessens and a figure appears in front of me. A guilty expression painted across their face.

"Sorry, Joshy. You stepped on me, though. It's a reflex to use my claws."

I pull him into a hug.

"I'm sorry too Doll... What were you doing on the floor?"

"Watching the stars."

He points towards the ceiling and I gaze out the skylight with him.


Vik and I lay curled up in bed. Rain patters harshly against the window. I run my fingers through Vik's hair. He snuggles into my chest even more. I curl my fingers around his ears and brush through the fur. Violent purrs rip through his body and I smirk. 

"Joshy stop."

"Why? Do you not like it?"

He remains silent and allows me to continue my movements. I slide my other hand down to wrap around his tail. He gasps and slaps my hand away.

"Don't do that Joshy. You know it's sensitive."

I chuckle and push my face into his neck and sigh in contentment. My arms enclose around Vik's waist and he hums. His hands now brush through my hair, but mine are still fiddling with his tail. Purrs tear through his body, but he doesn't say anything this time. Too blissed out to care.

"Love you Doll."

"Love you too Joshy."

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