Sitara | OT6 (Part 2)

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Ship: Vik, Ethan, Josh, Simon, Tobi, and JJ; There's a side ship.... Can you spot it?

Relationship: Dating  

Genre: Angst and fluff

Prompt: More focused on Sitara than anything... You'll see

A/N: Not edited

~Sitara's POV~

It's cold and it's dark and I don't like it. I really hate Ethan right now. Vik is now twenty-one, and Ethan decided he was going to be the person to take Vik out for his first drink in America. A few weeks after Vik's birthday, the boys surprised him with a trip to L.A. Everything was going well the first few days after we arrived. They played around in the pool, went for hikes, and bicycle rides. There was a concert one night and fireworks the next. All hell broke loose, at least in my world, when Ethan insisted on taking Vik to buy alcohol. I could tell Vik was uncomfortable with it, but they all thought that the experience would be good for my boy. So Vik and Ethan trekked down to the corner store with me in tow. Ethan was patient, explaining the types and brands of alcohol here as they weren't available in the UK.

Eventually, Vik ended up picking some sort of white wine, and Ethan picked up some vodka and whiskey to play games with. They paid and began making their way back to the house they had rented. That's when disaster struck.... At least for me. Ethan decided about halfway back, that Vik need to be tickled and Vik is quite a ticklish person. When the first tickle attack ensued, Vik flung his arms out, which in turn, flung me. Neither boy noticed and raced down the street; one fleeing and the other chasing. So now here I sit on the sidewalk on some random street in L.A. And just my luck, it began to rain in the place that barely rains. Cars drive past, and people almost step on me as time drags on. Drowsiness starts fogging my mind and my eyes start to drift shut. I barely register the hands enclosing my body and I don't fight as I slip into blackness.

A warmth fills my body as I slowly towards consciousness again.I shuffle and softness drag across my legs. I blink my eyes open and gaze around. Wherever I am is nice. I'm perched on what I believe is a giant bean bag. I can smell something drifting from where I believe the kitchen is located. Curious, I silently slide myself down the bean bag towards the floor. Once touching down, I waddle my way to the smell. I stop dead in my tracks as I round the corner. Two bodies hover around the stove. The shorter of the two stands behind the taller with their head nestled on their back and arms wrapped around their waist. The tall ginger doesn't seem to mind as he stirs a pot on the stove. The brown haired one groans and the ginger one laughs at his antics.

"Jordan, you're the one that wanted me to make this."

"I know, but it takes sooooo long."

So the short one is Jordan. The name sounded familiar, but who knows. Jordan pulls away and heads towards me. Just before he passes me, he glances down and spots me. His head tilts in confusion and he picks me up.

"How'd you get over here? Craig, I thought you put Vik's elephant in the living room?"

My eyes widen at that. They know Vik! And they somehow know me?!

"I did?!"

"Well, obviously not. It's right here."

The ginger one, now known to me as Craig, makes his way to the two of us. The two peer down at me and I feel like crying. I didn't like them looking at me. I'm scared. I want my boys. I want to go home. I want each of the boys to snuggle me, to reassure me. To my horror, tears leak from my eyes. Jordan and Craig begin freaking out upon seeing them. Jordan drops me and I feel myself free fall. Once I hit the ground, I let out a loud yelp of pain. The noise causes the two to start freaking out more. Craig grabs his phone and starts dialing, while Jordan just stares down at me in fear and awe.


I ignore the screaming ginger and look to Jordan. I raise my trunk to him, hoping that he will pick me up. I just want to be cuddled. Jordan bends down and cautiously pulls me into his arms. At the gesture, I snuggle into him. I start whimpering and letting out tiny sobs.

Time passes as I cry in Jordan's arms. Craig has even joined the attempt to damper my cries, but I'm too upset. A knock sounds at the door and a breath of relief goes through both boys. Craig rushes to the door, throwing it open upon reaching it. My boys fall through the passageway and I practically scream in relief. I almost tumble to the floor again as I try to reach my boys. Vik is the first to reach me, and as soon as his arms wrap around me, he crumples to the ground in sobs. The rest of them file in and soon I'm drowning in a group hug.

"I'm so sorry I dropped you Sitara! I'm so sorry!"

I just snuggle into him more and sigh in contentment. The familiar fuzzy feeling of being near my boys returns, and I know all is forgiven. 


This is honestly shit.

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