The Fall | Zerkstar

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Ship: Zerkstar

Relationship: Exes


Prompt: Provided by the main bae UmbreTheWriter

Prompt: Provided by the main bae UmbreTheWriter

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A/N: As always, Not Edited. Not my best (Also would anyone be interested in vacation pictures?)


~Josh's POV~

When I heard the thud, I ignored it. I took it as either Vik or Simon messing around. What caused me to go check it was when there was a cry of pain. Cautiously, I pushed away from my desk and rose from my chair. I peek around my door and at first, I don't see anything.

"J-Josh? Help. P-please!"

This time I bolt out the door. On the two steps that lead to the main staircase is Vik. He's sprawled out, precariously teetering on the top step. As I approach, he curls up and starts shaking, sobs tearing through his body. I pull him up and he snuggles into my lap.

"You're okay Vik. I got you"

I rock him and rub my hand up and down his back. Slowly, his sobs die down and turn to hiccups.

"What happened?"

"I d-don't know! I went to bed, t-then I was here!"

He breaks down crying again and I pull him closer.

"Shh Vikky. I've got you. You are okay."

A thought occurred to me then.

"Hey, Vik?"

He raises his tear filled eyes to me. I wipe away the ones that had tracked down.

"Didn't you say you used to sleepwalk? Remember in the lies video?"

"Yeah, b-but that w-was when I was a kid."

"I read somewhere that adults can have it under certain conditions... Have you been sleeping lately?"

He hangs his in shame.


"What Vik?"

"I haven't really slept since I went back to my room... When we... You know... Split..."

Each of his words is whispered, full of guilt and sadness. My heart breaks slightly. A few weeks ago, Vik and I mutually split because we felt it wasn't much of a relationship. We felt like we were still just friends. The whole time we were dating, Vik had been sleeping in my room. That way I could make sure he actually slept.

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