Daddy | Calstar123

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Ship: Calstar123
Relationship: Strangers
Genre: Fluff 
Prompt: See above

(I was so tempted to put the Warp Zone version of the song.)

Warning: A little smutty? I don't know... I can't write kissing let alone smut.

Requested by UmbreTheWriter

A/N: Not Edited. 


~Vik's POV~

I'm already regretting this.

Basically, my so called friends decided that I spend way too much time behind a computer screen and decided to force me out of the house. What they didn't say, though, was that we were going to a club.

They also didn't say that they would ditch me and leave me by myself. So here I am nursing a drink and just praying for the night to be over.

I look around the room. I spot a guy with black hair watching me and not in a nice way. I continue scanning and come across a really tall blond that's talking to someone. He's handsome. The stranger glances up and catches my eye. He winks and I quickly turn back around. Another drink slides in front of me and I glance up at the bartender.

"From the guy down there."

He points to the other end the bar. I sneakily glance down there and see a group of guys standing there. In that group is the black haired guy from earlier. When I catch his eye, he winks and stands up from his seat. I duck my head down.

Please don't come over here. Please don't come over here. Leave me alone.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and a knee appears in my sight. I look up and of course, it's the guy from the group.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing all alone?"

I am seriously going to kill you guys.

I just ignore the guy and keep sipping at my drink. His hand moves from my shoulder to my thigh and I move my leg away from him.

"Please don't touch me."

"Oh, a feisty one. You and I will get along just fine."

"Sir, please leave me alone."

"Hmm, sir? I like it."

Oh my god. Kill me.

I awkwardly look around the club, hoping to spot one of my friends. My eyes land on the handsome man from earlier and I notice that he's watching me. He looks over to the guy and raises his eyebrow. I send him a pleading look once he's paying attention to me again. He slightly nods and I'm desperately hoping he does something. Instead, he turns back to his friend and starts talking.


"What's caught your eye sugar tush?"

Kill. Me.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!"

My chin is wrenched around to face the creepy guy. His hand has moved farther up my leg and I seriously want to start crying right now.

"P-please let go."

~Cal's POV~

~A Bit Earlier~

"Oh my God. He's adorable."

"Cal, shut up about him and go talk to him."

"I can't. What if he's got a boyfriend or something."

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