What. The. Hell?! | Ministar

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Ship: Ministar

Relationship: Married

Genre: Fluff

Prompt: Loosely based, mostly just a point to get to

Non- Youtuber AUA/N: Not edited and kinda all over the place

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Non- Youtuber AU
A/N: Not edited and kinda all over the place.


~Vik's POV~

I sigh as I wash the last bottle, placing the wet container on the counter. Simon should be home soon, but not soon enough. I turn the water off and pull the plug, allowing the water to slowly drain out. I tiredly rub at my eyes, cringing at the soap that touches my face. I hear cooing from the other room and I perk up. My sweet little babies always cheered me up. I walk into the other room, hopping over the baby gate that separates them from the kitchen.

 I walk into the other room, hopping over the baby gate that separates them from the kitchen

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I smile down at my little girls, Violet and Luna. It was such a long and tiring process to get them, but they were worth it. Simon and I had gone through a surrogate. The first hiccup came when the surrogate didn't show up for the first ultrasound. We thought maybe she had forgotten and just rescheduled. When we tried to call her, however, all hell broke loose. She didn't want to give us the baby once it was born. At this point, we didn't know we were having twins.

At first, the court sided with the surrogate, mostly because she lied and said that we had used her eggs, which we hadn't. Once the truth was revealed, we were granted custody, but we still had to wait for the baby to be born. As part of the deal, we weren't allowed to go to any doctors appointments and that killed me. We knew when they were scheduled, so on those days, I'd curl up on the sofa and just sob. Simon would take time off work to soothe me. His boss understood and told Simon to take a vacation. So we did.

We went to Greece for a week and there we both relaxed and enjoyed ourselves. When we came back, my world came crashing down again. Our case handler called us the day after we came back. Apparently, the surrogate moved without alerting the court. In other words, they had no idea where her or our child was.

Over the next few weeks, we learned things from the doctor. Like the fact that we were having twins and that they were girls. I decorated with a heavy heart. At about seven months into the pregnancy, they found her. She had been detained for disorderly conduct. Her name was red-flagged in the system, so she was brought back and put on watch in the hospital. Nothing went wrong after that. Our babies were born healthy, strong, and adorable.

I sit down on the floor with them and they both crawl over to me, giggling the whole way.


They had been trying so hard for the past month to talk. They both could walk already, but choose to crawl. Violet plops into my lap and Luna attempts to crawl up her. Laughing, I pick up Luna and allow Vi to adjust before setting Luna down.

"How are Daddy's little girls?"

Vi claps her hands on my face, while Luna just gently pats. Violet has always been the more outgoing one. She smiles at strangers, screams the loudest, and is actually kinda violent sometimes. Luna is somewhat the opposite. She observes her surroundings without making a sound. She's hesitant to new people and usually clings to Simon or I.

Luna snuggles into my lap further and starts sucking on her fist. I gently tug it out.

"No no Luna. That's yucky. Here's your paci."

I place the purple pacifier into her mouth and she just starts gnawing on it. Oh dear looks like someone is teething. I shuffle us back, so I'm leaning against the couch and Vi finally calms down and lays down on my chest. What a sight we must be. Luna curled up in my cross crossed legs and Violet thrown haphazardly against my chest. Daintily, I placed a kiss on both their foreheads.

"Love you, Vi. Love you, Luna."

I watch as both their eyes blink shut. Afternoon nap achieved and ahead of schedule. I decide to join them and lean my head back on the sofa. I feel myself doze off to a state where I'm asleep, but not really.

~Time Skip~

I startle awake at the sound of a door closing. A smile crosses my face, Simon is home. I open my eyes and look down to my two sleepy girls. Moving carefully and quietly, I move them to the floor. I grab a blanket and pillow from the couch and situate then with them.

I pad my way to the kitchen, again hopping over the gate. I can hear Simon moving around.

"Hey babe, how was wo- HOLY HELL WHAT HAPPENED?!"

Simon stands by the sink, attempting wash the mixture that covers his whole body off his hands. I step closer to him as he turns to face me. His face holds no emotions as he raises his eyebrow at me. He appears to be covered in a mixture of flour and honey. On top of that, grass is swimming in the honey. I circle around him to get a full look at the damage. I giggle as I find the "icing on the cake." A pine cone is stuck to the bottom of his jaw. I carefully remove it, a string of honey following as I pull it away.

"I'm having what some would call.. a bad day."

I laugh at his dramatics.

"What happened?"

"The guys at work decided to throw a late baby shower... I don't think they know what a baby shower is."

I reach over and grab the towel I had been drying dishes with and wet it. I attempt to wipe Simon's face clean, but it just smears the mess around.

"It's no use sweetie."

"Let me grab the baby wipes, maybe that'll help."

I jog back to the lounge where I'd left my sleeping angels. They are still sleeping, so I try to quietly try to hop over the gate. This time, I fail and face plant on the wood paneling. The sound of my body hitting the floor awakens the two babies. It also causes Simon to come see what happened.

"Vik? You okay? What happened?"

"Stupid gate."

Luna and Violet sleepily crawl towards me. The clamber along the floor, bumping into each other as they try to reach me. They squawk at each other as they draw closer and then start squawking at me. They pat my back and head, trying their best to make sure I'm okay. Simon coos at their actions and reaches over the gate to grab Luna, whose closest to him.

"Si! Don't pi-"

My warning comes too late and he holds her close. Instant regret fills his face as Luna becomes covered in the flour mixture. She squeals and starts rubbing her hands through the gunk. Vi sees Luna having fun and crawls to the gate and pulls herself up. She starts screaming for attention and I can't help but laugh.

"I guess it's bath time for you girlies."

Simon tickles Luna's tummy and she shrieks in delight.

"Na, Pa! Ba Papa!"

"Well look at you big girl. Using your words."

A hand smacks me in the face and I look at Violet. She's pouting and holds her arms up in a gesture for me to pick her up.

"Uh, Da!"

"No hitting Vi. Gentle."

She giggles and I pick her up, cuddling her close to my chest. I carefully step over the gate and hand her over to Simon. I admire the sight of Simon holding both of our kids, even if they are filthy.

My angel and my two babies.

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