Finally | Vobi (Part 4)

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Ship: Vobi (Bits of Minizerk and a surprise ship) 
Relationship: Friends?
Genre: Some sadness/ A bit o' Fluff (Finally)
May be the last part, may add another one.
Bit of a fight scene.

A/N: Not Edited (There may be parts that don't make sense cause I'm sleep deprived and sick. Once I'm better, I'll re-read and fix it.)

Requested by SDMNPack

~Simon's POV~

I groan as Josh sets the ice pack onto my black eye. I look at the rest of the group and cuddle into his arms. We ranged from a couple bruises to possibly broken bones. Vik, even though we tried our best, is unconscious laying the couch. After what had happened in the cafeteria, we are all pissed off and broken. I had helped drag everyone to my house and helped patched them up. I'm absolutely livid at what happened.



I rush to help Vik up off the floor. Savannah stands there with a couple of people that look like they could kill us. I've never even seen them at this school. Other students openly gawk at the spectacle occurring. JJ, Harry, and Tobi are nowhere to be seen so they must have left before this started. The boys circle us like vultures. We in turn circle around Vik, because we know what's about to happen.

"What do you mean?"

Vik speaks quietly and tentatively. One of the guys cracks their knuckles and we all flinch at the sound.

Where is an adult? Like hello?!


Even though we are scared, we all let out sighs of reliefs and I watch as Vik's face lights up in joy. He draws himself up, courage most likely driving him. He walks up to Savannah and gets right in her face.

"If he broke up with you... It's between you and him. And whatever his reason... I am glad you are no longer together."

Savannah looks stunned at Vik's boldness but quickly recovers. The slap we could predict, but the blood that followed was something we didn't expect. Vik hits the ground again and there's blood flowing steadily from his cheek. We watch in horror as Savannah simply smirks and snaps her fingers. Her minions instantly descend on us and we all fight for our lives.

We all make various attempts to grab Vik because he's taking the brunt of the assault. Preston's effort lands him against a pillar with Rob quickly following suit. Ethan gets hit in the gut. Mitch and Jerome try to tag team and instantly get their heads smashed together. Lachlan tries to sneakily pull Vik out of the fray by his foot but gets caught and thrown. Josh and I glance at each other, our plan being silently communicated. Josh approaches, trying to draw attention. Once they focus on him, I swoop in and grab Vik. I turn to run but get caught by a fist connecting to my face. I stumble and lose a slight grip on Vik. Something pulls on my arm and Vik goes crashing to the ground, groaning in pain. I turn towards the culprit and find Savannah. I growl at her and push her. She tumbles backward and gloriously lands in a trash can.

Score one for Simon.

I pick Vik back up and grab Preston and Rob's hands simultaneously and pull them out the cafeteria doors towards the main doors. Once outside I stop at the benches and set them all down. Josh appears a bit later with the others in tow. He runs to me and hugs me. We sit and silently reflect on what's happened.

"Come on guys... We can go to my house."

~Flashback Over~

My ice pack has grown warm while I've sat here steaming. Vik still hasn't woken up and the others are getting nervous. I  snuggle further into Josh and he groans in pain. I quickly retreat and look at him in concern.

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