YOU'RE HER!?! | Vobi

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Ship: Vobi 

Relationship: Strangers

Genre: Fluff

Prompt: Above

I really like the concept for this. Now, I am not an expert on anything gender fluid. Most of this is coming from other fanfics and anything I've read, if something is incorrect please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you!

(As for the pic, I tried to find someone that looked close to Vik... There's probably better ones, but I am tired. I'm writing this at work and it's 12:31 a.m. I am exhausted.)

I 'finished' this at 1:49am I can see mistakes, but can't be bothered because I have gone past exhaustion, I have been going to my friend's graduation parties all day, then I had to work really late.... yeah. I will try to fix after I sleep.

A/N: Not edited. I will probably go back and re write parts because some are just atrocious.

~Tobi's POV~

I glumly slump onto a bar stool. Josh and Simon each sliding into the ones next to me. Josh pats my back sympathetically and orders shots for all of us.

"It's okay Tobi. Speed dating isn't for everyone."

I down the shot as it's handed to me and shrug at Simon's statement. My mood dips as Josh's phone rings.

"I've got to go... It's date night and I promised Freya I'd take her to her favorite place."

"It's okay. Go spend time with your girl."

As he stands, he gives me a smile full of pity. Simon waves him off and I order another drink.

Times blurs a bit and reality distorts as more alcohol enters my system. I know I'm not quite drunk. Maybe a drink or two past tipsy. Simon nudges my side and I turn and glare at him.

"Dude, your 3 o'clock."

I try and discreetly look where he is saying. Down a couple of seats sits a woman. She swirls her drink and begins talking to a male beside her. He pats her shoulder then leaves to join a table of lads in the back. As he walks away, he gives a thumbs up. Ignoring the slightly out the norm exchange, I continue to watch the beauty.

"She's fit."

"Shut your mouth, Simon. Be respectful. She's beautiful, not just fit."

"Go over there."

"What!? No!"

The beauty glances down at us and my breath hitches.

The beauty glances down at us and my breath hitches

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