Golden Boy Gavin

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Ship: Platonic AHOT6, Freewood

Genre: Fluff, a bit of violence

Prompt:  Gavin has the whole crew wrapped around his finger. His words flutter around them and they do as they command. Why would they deny their golden boy?

Note: This started as a kind of character study of my favorite headcanon of Golden Boy!Gavin and turned into a self-indulgent Freewood thing that makes no sense.

Note pt 2: I'm gonna post the few things I wrote for archive over the next few days


Most of the other crews and gangs saw Gavin as a side piece, an accessory that the Fakes lugged around, and who could blame them? At meetings, he hung off Geoff's arm and simpered. He crooned into Geoff's ear about wanting something and later others would seem him with said item, whether it be some sort of jewelry or fancy gadget. Some tried to use that little detail to their advantage, a way to hit the Fakes at their weak spot but little did they know, Gavin wasn't a weak spot, and every other crew had to learn this the hard way.

Their first mistake was assuming that Gavin was Ramsey's twink. To be fair to them, the evidence they were presented with gave them no indication that he wasn't. In meetings, Gavin was plastered to Ramsey's side. He would stroke his hand up and down his chest and fan his eyelashes up to the kingpin. A picture of sinful innocence. They never realized it was an act. They watched as the blonde-tipped male flirted with the leader. None of the others of the crew made any movement of discomfort at the display and a couple would roll their eyes in annoyance. They were none the wiser.

When the Fakes first started up, it was just Ramsey, Pattillo, and the Golden Boy. They watched as the Golden Boy earned his name. His finery becoming finer with each successful heist, and jaws dropped when the golden pistol made its appearance. Reports of Ramsey appearing in the jewelry shops starting springing up, and they were surprised to find that it wasn't to case them, but a legitimate purchase. The procured items soon making an appearance on the Golden Boy. Thus, the idea of the Golden Boy being a sugar baby and Ramsey his sugar daddy was born.

This idea was shut down immediately by those that spent an iota of time with the Fakes. Whether it be a gun for hire or held for interrogation, these people tried to dissuade the rumors. Many even claiming that Ramsey wasn't even the leader. They yelled about how it was the Golden Boy. Gavin was the one who pulled the strings, but no one believed them. To them, Gavin was simply the Golden Boy, a glorified kept boy.


When Mogar joined the Fakes, people were understandably afraid as he was a known pyromaniac, but at the same time, their fears were quelled as the arsonist would be on a leash under Ramsey. They were fucking wrong. If Mogar and the Golden Boy were seen within an inch of each other during a heist you fucking ran if you knew what was good for you. A well-placed word or two from the Golden Boy and suddenly the building was exploding and you were watching your hopes and dreams die. If you had made it out that is.

If you saw the two at a bar, your alcohol intake dropped drastically. You weren't having a good time anymore. You're cautious and watchful, waiting for the newbies that don't know any better. You see the nudge and the whisper and suddenly Mogar's eyes are burning. It's 5 v 1 and the five are losing. No one intervenes. The fight only stops when the others are unconscious or the Golden Boy decides the fun is out of the moment. He then takes Mogar by the arm and saunters out.


If you receive a report of the Golden Boy and Pattillo being seen, you avoid the streets. There's no telling when one of the speed demons will come flying around the corner. Or even come in guns blazing with a new attack chopper. There were no restraints on the two.

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