Broken | Wroetostar (Part 2)

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Ship: Wroetostar

Relationship: Dating 

Genre: Angst

WARNING: Self-harm, self-loathing, blood, abuse, vulgar

Prompt: Ramblings

BehrEllise somewhat requested a sad ending, so here we are!

Writing this and listening to break up songs is not recommended. I swear there are onions in here. Idk I get emotional with music.

A/N: Not edited and I'm sorry if it's confusing.


~Vik's POV~

He cheated.

After all those promises... He... He cheated on me. And to make matters worse he blamed me for it.


"Vik? I need to talk to you. Can you come over?"

"Yeah, give me an hour!"


Harry hung up and I stared at the phone confused.

Why hadn't he said he loved me?

I make my way downstairs and make a stop in the kitchen. Josh and Simon are in here, cleaning up what looks like stickers.

"Hey, Vik! Come help us clean up!"

"I'm heading to Harry's so no can do."

They both glance at each other and I can see that they look worried.

"Want us to come with you? We could drive you there."

"Nah, it's okay. I should be good."

If only I knew how wrong I was.

~Present Time~

The rain pours as I sit under the tree. My tears blend with the rain drops on my face. My ears still ring from his yelling. My face stings from the hits. My phone keeps ringing, but I don't have the heart to answer it. They'll probably all say the same thing.

I pick myself and walk back to my car. My hoodies that I left at Harry's litter the backseat. Little presents I gave him occupy the front seat. All holding memories of what I thought could save me from my mind. Things I did to avoid the reality.



I close the door behind me as I enter the apartment. I hear the Cals and Harry talking and I walk towards the sound. It sounds like they are arguing and as I listen more, I hear another voice that I don't recognize. The sounds seem like they are coming from Harry's room, so I make my way down the hallway. I knock on the door and enter.

How I wish I never did.

Harry sits on the bed, Calfreezy stands above him, looking like he wants to murder Harry. Callux stands not to far from the door, arms crossed and face red. The one that shatters my heart though is the unknown person. They lay on Harry's bed, wrapped up in the sheets. Evidence of a wild night litters the floor. Clothes, bottles, and what I hope to god aren't condoms are thrown about the room.

I feel the tears fall down my face as I take in the scene. Callux wraps his arms around me and tries to shush my cries. Calfreezy begins yelling again and my heart utterly breaks at how Harry replies.

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