Frustrations | Vikklan

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Frustrations / Vikklan

Ship: Vikklan
Relationship: Dating
Genre: Fluff
Prompt above.
Slightly mature. Swearing!
~Lachlan's POV~

Ah, friendship.

Currently, I'm curled up on the couch at the Sidemen house next to Vik.

Why? Well, The Pack decided to spend the night here after Minecon.

Currently Jerome, Mitch, Vik, and Preston are playing Call of Duty. Vik is losing horribly and becoming quite frustrated.


I mean literally screamed. His voice even cracked.

"Vikkyyyyyyyy. Calm down, kitten."

I further snuggle into his side and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Yeah kiiiitten." Jerome mocks.

"Leave Vik alone Biggums."

Mitch whacks Jerome's head. Rob, who was currently surfing the web on his laptop, starts chuckling.

"You guys are going to get us kicked out." He whines.

"Nah. Josh, Simon, and JJ went out for the night, plus you guys are my guests so unless you piss me off, like Mitch is currently doing, you are fine." Vik hisses out the last part.

"Look at our little Vik using big boy words." Preston coos.

"Yeah, Vik when did you get so... vulgar?" Mitch spoke out.

"Why does it still surprise you when I cuss?"

"Cause you are our innocent little Vik, to quote the fans." Rob snickers.

Vik huffs and returns to the game, leaning forward in concentration. Sitting up, I pull Vik into my lap. He huffs and rolls his eyes.

"Lachy... Please don't distract me."

I give a little hum to acknowledge him and lay my chin on his shoulder. Preston squeals.

"#Relationship goals!!!! VIKKLAN VIKKLAN! Rob do you see them?! They are being cute and coupley!!"

Everyone begins laughing and teasing, except for Vik and I who are now sporting red faces.

"Okay seriously, what did I just say Preston?! Annoy me and you can find a hotel." Vik spits. He then turns and stuffs his face into my neck.

"Woah there Vik. As you and your Sidemen say, BANTER!" Rob nervously lets out.

I lean down to Vik's ear.

"Kitten, kitten look at me."

He shakes his head and further buries it in my neck. I laugh and lift his head.

"Vik, darling, you have got to calm down. They are just tired and bored. C'mon, let's find something for them to do."

He looks me in the eyes and nods his head.

"I think we have monopoly." He mumbles.

I push Vik off my lap and onto the couch. The look of surprise on his face is priceless. The Merome duo lean against each other in laughter while Poofless is rolling around in the ground. Vik's face darkens a few shades.

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