Dad Headcanon with UmbreTheWriter

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This is something that UmbreTheWriter and I came up with (It's also posted on her book). In my personal opinion, I think this is an amazing headcanon. The concept started from a mobile game that both she and I have. We were casually talking about it and it just kept going.


     Josh= Dad or Daddy

     Simon= Pop

     JJ= Father

     Tobi= Pap

     Vik= Son/Lil Baby Slut

     Harry= Holy Harry (friend)

     Ethan = Satan (uncle)


     Vik loves to wear nothing but massively oversized sweatshirts and boxers. It's an odd habit, but the boys love it.

     Vik has days where he'll shut everyone out. The only person he'll allow near him is Tobi. He isn't allowed to touch Vik because he'll freak out, but he sits by him and talks to him.

     Once Vik feels better, they'll all sleep in the same bed that night in a giant cuddle puddle. Before they sleep, they'll all say how much they love Vik and how they will always be there for him.

     Vik has a necklace that contains a charm of everyone's name. He hides it from the boys but Josh found it when he was cleaning one day. Vik was out so he showed it to the others.

     Vik is obsessed with a game about collecting alpacas. He could spend all day playing the game if he could. He nicknames the colorful alpacas after the boys; however, they sometimes have to pull him away from his game so they can cuddle.

     Vik sometimes confuses their "Dad names" and accidently calls for the wrong dad. "JJ what the fuck. Where is Simon."

     Vik is a slut for the boys running their fingers through his hair. He can't function he's so blissed out. The only time it doesn't work is when he's majorly upset.

     Vik loves sleeping with stuffed animals if none of the boys can sleep with him.

     Vik hums subconsciously 'Can't Help Falling In Love With You' when he's snuggled up to the boys.

     When Vik gets mad at Simon, he'll call him different brands of pop (soda). The most common being Ribena and Tango.

     It doesn't happen very often, but Vik will sometimes rage when playing video games. One of the boys will have to cradle him in their arms until they calm down.


     Even though Josh is considered the OG daddy, Tobi acts more like a real dad. He pays the bills, makes sure everyone's healthy. Takes care of Vik a lot.

     EVERYBODY is lowkey jealous of Tobi's celebrity crush on Chris Pratt. One time, Tobi had set him as his desktop background. It was mysteriously changed to a shirtless picture of the eldest sidemen one day when Tobi had accidentally left his laptop with Josh.

     Tobi is the cook of the group. He can be found up before anyone else making breakfast.

            One time JJ tried to help... There's still scorch marks on the walls.

     Vik is a slut for Tobi's food. He would do anything for it. (And he has done some pretty obscene things ;)

     Tobi's second nickname is "The Papilion"

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