What Would You Do? | Suggstar

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Ship: Suggstar 

Relationship: Strangers

Genre: Fluff

Prompt: From otpprompts on Tumblr

  Imagine your OTP on the reality TV show "What Would You Do?" when Person A and Person C are actors and go out in the park and pretend to be a couple, A being in an "abusive relationship" with C. After a few runs of the act, when B walks over, they see C grabbing A by the throat and yelling at them. So, B decides to take action and punch C in the face, then the producer of the show runs up before things go any further and say it's all an act. B is suddenly embarrassed and says that they're sorry for punching C, they just thought they were hurting A.
Bonus: this is how your OTP first met.  

A/N: Reminder that I currently have a contest going, details are in the part called 'Anniversary' 

~Vik's POV~

"Are you two almost ready? If things get out of hand, we'll try to get to you, okay?"

I glance at John as he speaks. Josh, my fellow actor, and I are being fitted with our mics. Today was going to be interesting. I'd been put in many awkward situations because of this show; it was just the nature of it. I've had to pickpocket, tell off a waiter, be the person a waiter yelled at, and my least favorite, catcall girls. It was a different situation today, though. I had to be the victim in an abusive relationship. I haven't done any couple episodes before, so this will be all new. I shudder at the memory of the cat calling and Josh looks over at me with sympathy. He was also nervous for today. Although I'm pansexual and he's bisexual, he has a girlfriend. Usually, they try to use single actors, so they don't feel uncomfortable and respect their significant others, but Josh was the only other one, besides me, that was willing to do this scenario. We were both apprehensive about the abuse part. We are good friends and Josh didn't want to hurt me. We talked through it and "practiced" the scene. Josh is just a big ol' teddy bear, so having to hit me is really crushing him. I simply told him to pretend that I was his ex and holy crap. I have never in the years I've known him, seen Josh that angry.

"Out you guys go. Remember to stay within the bench area."

Josh laces his fingers with mine and we exit the staging area. A cool autumn breeze blows through the area and I shiver. Cautiously, Josh's arm wraps around me, pulling me close.

"Is this okay?"

"Yeah, we've got to act like a couple, so get used to it."

"Pushy. Let's sit on a bench, keep it chill for a few minutes, then start a fight."

"Sounds good. I wonder who will save little old me"

"Ew! Who'd want to help you?"

"Oi! Fuck off!"

We both laugh and casually lounge on a bench. The small park we are in begins to get more traffic and as the other benches fill up, Josh taps my hand, signaling we should start a fight. I tap back, signaling that I'm ready. Josh's body language changes immediately. Instead of the teddy I know, he turns into a rock. His spine straightens and he locks up. An icy glare crosses his face and I begin my role. I shrink in on myself, I slouch and try to look afraid.

"You're being too clingy. Get off of me."

Josh pushes my shoulder and I fall a bit onto the bench. I notice a few people glance over, but that's all. Josh gets off the bench and I get up to follow. He again pushes me so I stay sitting.

"No! You stay here! God, you're so clingy."

"But we're supposed to be on a date."

"Be quiet."

As Josh's voice raises, more and more people begin to watch, but no one steps in. I clock a guy with brown hair stepping closer, somewhat interested in the situation.

"You always do this! You make me so angry. Stay here and be quiet for once."

Josh tries to walk away again, but I get up and gently grab his arm. Now for the part we both hate. Josh spins around and his hand draws back. The sting of the slap hurts, and I flinch harshly. I can hear the gasps of those around us, but we aren't done. Josh's hand clinches around my neck, in a mock choke, though people around us can't tell it's fake.


Josh is suddenly pulled back and the guy I saw earlier is there. His arm swings back and before either of us or any of the crew can stop him, he fist connects with Josh's face.


The guy moves to me and pulls me away from a hunched over Josh.

"I'm gonna get you away from here."

Before he can drag me away, John and the camera crew come out. The guy pauses in confusion, his grip slightly loosening. They approach and John starts talking to him, getting him to calm down and release me.

"This is a show called, What Would You Do? They're just actors."

The guy's face reddens at the news. I make my way to Josh and help him, pressing the scarf I was wearing to his nose. We both make our way back over to the cameras.

"I am so sorry for hitting you. I was just so upset and I wasn't thinking clearly."

Josh shakes the guy's hand. The amount of guilt on his face, makes me want to laugh, but I'm glad he was willing to step in for me.

"It's really no problem. It's nice to know someone will step in when they see that."


"Vik? Vik, sweetheart?"

I'm shaken from my daydream and look to the voice calling me. I smile as I gaze at my boyfriend. My head was tucked under his chin, so moving forced our cuddle to break a bit.

"Nuh uh. Stay there."

He pulls my head down and tucks it back under my chin. His hand begins caressing my back.


"Shh. Just lay here and tell me what you were thinking about."  

I close my eyes as Joe lulls me back into a relaxed state

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I close my eyes as Joe lulls me back into a relaxed state. I can feel myself start to slip back into slumber.

"Sweetheart? What are you thinking about?"

"When we first met."

My answer is slurred and sleepiness draws me back in. I feel Joe's chest move as he chuckles.

"Oh god. Please don't remind me about that. I swear Josh still holds a grudge against me for breaking his nose."

"No. He likes you. Thinks you're good enough for me."

"Glad he thinks so."

I hum in response, my breathing slowing as I drift off. I faintly feel lips press a kiss to my head and the murmured words of my loving boyfriend.

"Love you, Vikky. I'm so glad I saved you that day."

I nudge my head into his neck to reprimand him for the sarcasm in his voice, but he just lightly laughs and contains rubbing my back, finally succeeding in making me fall asleep.

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