We Have To Tell You Something | MiniFreezy

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Ship: Minifreezy (Side ship: wroetozerk and Luxstar)

Relationship: Dating 

Genre: Fluff

Prompt: From @HiAlienHuman Them coming out to the guys

A/N Thank you UmbreTheWriter for the help.  <3 Not edited and I'm on a boat while writing this on my laptop. Not Joking.


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~Simon's POV~

"But what if they can't figure it out?"

"If they don't they are stupid. You wrote it out pretty clearly."

"Yeah, but you know how they can be."

"For fuck's sake Cal, if they can figure out that Josh and I are dating then they can figure this out."

I finish tying the last string and make my way down the ladder to the trio arguing. I slip my arms around Cal's waist and soothingly rub my palms against his stomach. Immediately, his body relaxes and his head tilts back to rest on my shoulder. Josh and Harry send me looks of gratitude.

"They'll figure it out, Cal. They've got Vik with them."

"He'll probably be too busy drooling over Lux to even help. And the same goes for Lux."

"We seriously need to help them. I'm tired of heading home and being greeted by them moaning their brains out and then denying it."

"At least you haven't walked in on them yet. I'm still haunted. Who knew Lux had a thing for boys in skirts."

"Enough! Let's just focus on this right now."

"Okay, they should be here in about twenty minutes. Is everything in place?"

"Yup, Harry and I will hand them the first clue and try to help them as much as we can without giving it away. "

"Okay, Si and I will go hide and when they get to the last clue, text us."

"Good luck everyone."

We all split with our respective partners, Cal and I hiding in my room with the door locked. We can hear Harry and Josh talking downstairs. Cal lays down on my bed and opens his arms to me. I crawl to him and settle my head into his neck. He presses a kiss to my temple and wraps his arms around me.

"It'll be okay love."

~Time Skip~

~Josh's POV~

Harry and I's conversation dies as we hear people enter the house. I give him a quick kiss and go to meet everyone. I meet them int he hallway and they all come to a stop when they see me.

"Hey, Josh!"

I scan my eyes over the group. Of course, two people are missing

"Where are the fuck buddies?"

"They aren't far. Just inside the door. I'll go get them."

JJ splits from the group and we all laugh as we hear shouts of protests spring up. Vik comes flying though the hallway like he's been set on fire. JJ and Lux trail slightly behind.

"Gotta little problem there, boys."

Vik and Lux both hang there heads and I watch Lux rest his hand on Vik's backside. I chuckle at their antics and pull out the piece of paper that they would need.

"Your first clue is 'the second element on the periodic table'," I explained as the others crowded around me to read the paper.

Silently, Vik walks out the door and to the spot where we had filmed the helium challenge. The others follow him confused. Floating by the wall is a bouquet of helium balloons. Attached to the balloons is a stripe of pink fabric. Vik carefully unties it. Across the fabric in black marker is MINI. A piece of paper flutter down from the fabric. Ethan grabs it and opens it, scanning over the writing.

"Stickers are the gateway to helmets."

The group starts running, almost taking out Harry, who's leaning against the front door.  I grab him as the group rushes up the stairs.

"They're a little excited don't you think?"

"Simon may have told them there is a prize for whoever finishes first, which is total bullshit."

"Well, let's go make sure they don't kill each other."

Both of us trudge up the stairs, already hearing a small amount of bickering emitting from Vik's bedroom. Upon entering, we see they room divided. Lux and Vik cowering in the corner, Vik holding something. Ethan and JJ are standing over them, occasionally trying to grab Vik, but Lux won't let them. Tobi stands off to the side, not knowing what to do. 


My voice booms throughout the room. The bickering idiots fall silent. 

"This is supposed to be fun. Quit trying to kill each other. Read the next clue, Vik."

A purple piece of fabric is unfurled from his hand and he shakily picks up the paper. He goes to talk, but his voice breaks, so he passes it to Lux. Lux's arm wraps around his waist in comfort. 

"Enter Daddy's Domain. Oh for fuck's sake guys."

The tension is broken and everyone is laughing again. Silent apologies are thrown around and they go to my room.

This continues, them finding the clues and fabric with words, and then continuing. Surprisingly, none of them have tried to put together the pieces yet. As they unwrap the last clue, I text the hiding lovebirds. Harry and I watch as they sneak behind the group. 

"What's it say, boys?"

"Put it together and then you'll see."

Since we are in the kitchen, they all slap down the fabric they have collected onto the island. Their eyes work over the patterns and words. Rearranging and googling. Lux pulls over the stripes of pink, blue, and yellow. He's smiling as he puts them in order.

"It's the pansexual flag boys."

Some glance at him in confusion, but some are grinning. The flag says, 'MINI FREEZY IS". They pick up the stripes of pink, blue, and purple. Slowly, they compare the words and complete the sentence.

"It's the bisexual flag... What's the whole thing say?"

Minifreezy is real. Turn around."

The group turns and are faced with Si and Cal sucking each other's faces off. Exclaims of surprise and disbelief spring up. JJ tackles them and everyone is losing their shit. I wrap my arm around Harry and take in the scene. His head rests on my shoulder and he laughs lightly.

"Well, that's one way to come out."

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