Oops! | Ministar

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Ship: Ministar
Relationship: Strangers  
Genre: Pointless Fluff (I've been in an Angsty mood lately... Nice to be back to fluff)
Prompt: picture above (it's so Ministar it hurts)
Requested by GrapicoLover88 (Your 'anything with Vik' is complete)
A/N: Not Edited
~Simon's POV~

I exhale loudly and start coughing as a weight settles on my chest. The weight starts laughing and I hear multiple laughs spring up. I attempt to sit up from my napping position only for the weight to press down harder. My breath wheezes out causing the mass to laugh harder. I finally open my eyes and groan.

Of course.


My yells just make the boy laugh harder. I look around the room and sigh dejectedly.

"Anyone? Help?"

Ethan and Harry are leaning against the wall, faces bright red from their laughter.


Immediately the weight is lifted and I take deep breaths. My lungs fill with the crisp air as I dramatically inhale more.

"Oh thank God! I thought I was going to die!"

Ethan and Harry begin to laugh even harder if that's possible, while JJ just pouts. I shift so I'm sitting up and rub at my eyes. I pull out my phone and groan.

"We have the pitch rented and we need to be there in ten minutes."

"We know. That's why we woke you up."

"Killing me does not classify as waking me up."


"My lungs beg to differ."

JJ groans and grabs my arm, pulling me off the sofa. I make my way to the door, making sure to grab the ball and my cleats. The rest follow as I slip into the car and adjust my glasses so I can see. JJ occupies the passenger seat, while Ethan and Harry tumble into the back.

"Got everything?"

"Yes. Now let's go!"

~Vik's POV~

"Vik please."


"Please Vik."



"No Josh. No matter how many times you ask, I will not change my mind."

"What if Tobi's there?"

"Just more people to make me look stupid."

"Vik if you want to get better, you have to play. That's just common sense."

"Well, my common sense says that I am allergic to exercise."

Josh rolls his eyes at me. I can tell he is getting fed up with my excuses.

"Vik, please. Tobi will come too and we will help you. No one will make fun of you. Pinkie promise."

I skeptically look at Josh as he holds out his pinkie. I hook my pinkie to his and sigh. I already regret my decision.

"Let's go before I change my mind."

Josh quickly jumps and pulls me from the chair I'm currently sitting in. I stumble after him as he rushes to get ready for our football session. I haphazardly throw on a jersey and joggers. I slip on regular shoes, as I would put on my cleats once we were at the pitch. Josh appears next to me and drags me out of the flat.

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