The Care and Keeping of Vik | Zerkstar

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Ship: Zerkstar

Relationship: Dating

Genre: Fluff

Prompt: Random

A/N: Collab with StarsOfSteel


-Third Person POV-

"Josh? Can I borrow your controller?"

"Yeah, go ahead. Should be next to my computer."

Simon makes his way to Josh's desk, looking for a controller. Josh was on his bed, scrolling through twitter. As Simon grabs the spare PS4 controller, he notices a freshly-printed stack of papers next to Josh's computer. Feeling nosy, the blond grabs the papers, along with the controller.

"Thanks, Josh!" He calls before scurrying off. Upon arriving at his room, Simon lays down on his bed and began to study the papers Josh had carelessly left in the open.

The Care and Keeping of Vik

Morning Routine-

Wake Vik up if he is still asleep

Make sure he is out of bed by 8:30

If he has stayed up all night, scold him (but not too harsh)

Help him pick out his clothes for the day

Make him breakfast if he is too tired to do it himself

Learn his recording schedule for the day

Lots of hugs and kisses!

Afternoon Routine-

Check up on Vik after every recording

If he has fallen back asleep, move him from his recording chair to his bed

Make sure he has eaten since breakfast

Don't let him eat only junk food

If he is too stressed, take him to bed and watch TV with him until he falls asleep (NOT IN HIS ROOM)

Evening Routine-

Make sure he eats a healthy dinner

Pick out comfy pajamas for him (onesies are preferred, but watch the weather. Don't overheat him)

Don't let him record or work past 11 pm. It is not healthy! (if it's an important recording, let it go, but not too many times.)

Snuggle with him <3


Do not feed him too much (wittle stomach)

Sometimes he does just need to be left alone and that's okay

Make sure his water bottle or cup is always filled with juice or water

Always ask him if everything is ok, even when it appears he is having a good day. He may be trying to cover up his sadness

Nicknames for Vik-



Little Prince

Baby Boy


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