Language Barrier | Setosolace

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Ship: Setosolace
Genre: Fluff
Relationship: Friends... ;)
Prompt above
College AU
Seto is speaking Latin; translations are at the bottom.
I've never watched their videos, but I love whenever someone writes about them so why not?
~Brice's POV~

Seto is screaming. That's all I can say on the matter. Why? Well, I have no idea what he's screaming about. He's speaking in his 'mother' tongue, I think it's Latin. He only does this when he is really upset or about to pass out. The tired ones are funny cause the words are slurred, but when he's angry... It sounds like he's putting a curse on something.


I'm going to guess that he's having trouble with the math sheet we were given.

Anyway, hi.... My name's Brice. This is my second year of college. I live with my best friend/crush Seto. He and I have almost the same classes. The only exception is he takes chemistry, while I take art.

Today, our math class was horrible. It was beyond the normal torture and on top of that, the professor gave a homework sheet. Fifty questions! Fifty! Is he trying to kill us?

I decided to wait to do it, but Seto was determined to finish it tonight. Based on the shouts, it's not going well.

"Aequales inter se. Placet. Quaeso"

The yelling has died down, but he's still angry. Time for an intervention. I stride over to his room and knock softly.

"Seto? Can I come in buddy?"


"Seto, please. I-I don't know what you said, but I can guess it wasn't come in."

I hear a sigh and then some shuffling. The door slowly opens and Seto's head pokes out.

"I'm sorry Brice. I really want to get this done and it isn't working."

"You have a week to do it, Seto. You can take a break."

He nods his head and opens the door fully.

"Let's go get some food."

~Couple Days Later~


I walked through the door carrying some pizza. My art class had run late, so I volunteered to pick up dinner instead of Seto getting it.


I set the pizza on the table and walked over to Seto's room. The door was half open, but I still knocked.

"Seto, bud? You in there?"

I heard shuffling and I peeked around the door. Seto was draped over his desk. Papers were everywhere and broken pencils lay on the ground.


He suddenly shot up.

"Ego sum vigilantes!"

"Seto. English please."

"Cur talem culus!"

"I believe you just insulted me, but I'm going to ignore it. I brought back dinner. It's on the table."

"Gratias tibi. Ego reddam tibi posterius."

"Still waiting for the English, Seto."

He waved me off and rubbed his eyes. Clearly still trying to wake up.

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