A Tale of A Love | ?

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Ship: Guess or maybe I'll reveal 

Relationship: all over the place

Genre: fluff? angst? smut?

A/N: Kinda written in the way of the Kstar one shot, Monster

ABAB rhyming style

Somewhat AU, but at the same time not, you'll see

It's kinda shit, just a warning


~Age 5~

I blearily blink my eyes as I'm awoken from my nap

My mother shakes my shoulder and I sit up

I rub at my eyes, while my mother shows me, gift wrap

I tilt my head as she shows me a stuffed pup

"What's that Mama?" I speak quite sleepily

"A gift for your new friend.", she replies

The wrapping is placed around the plush noisily

I don't like what that implies.

I get up and follow her to the neighbor's house

A van and a family sits outside

The little boy there scurries away like a mouse

The parents act like they knew he would hide

~Age 7~

"YOU CAN'T CATCH ME!", he screams with glee

I run as fast as I can, trying to keep close

"NO FAIR!", I yell as he scrambles up a tree

His foot slips and time slows

I watch in horror as he falls

His and my screams filling the air

I hear the parents come out and give a few calls

A sickening crack is heard and the screams turn to despair

~Age 14~

"It still hurts.", he cries as he hits his arm

"You broke it stupid", I reply with a grin

"It was so many years ago though.", he whines as he smiles with charm

"Quit complaining.", I say as I grip his chin

His eyes stare into mine as we draw near

His breaths grow short and his eyes shut

Mine do too as my intentions become clear

Our lips press together and a swirl fills my gut

~Age 17~

His hands are curled as he walks into the room.

The skirt that brushes his thighs causes the others to quiet down

I knew wearing that would spell his doom

The taunts begin and I can only frown

How dare they laugh at my special boy

I slam my fist into the desk and they hush

His smile appears for me to enjoy

I smile back and admire the blush

~Age 19~

"Please.", he pleas as he writhes beneath me

"Patience." I whisper as I savor the picture

He whimpers out as I trace a silk covered knee

His eyes widen as he fears stricture

"It's alright darling", I purr

His moans leak from his mouth more

His thrusts quicken and his words slur

"Cum for Daddy.", I whisper at the boy I fell for

~Age 23~

"I love you so much.", I breath as we hold hands

"I'm scared.", he whimpers as the scream begin

I kiss him and pull him out to the fans

I smile proudly as I give him a spin.

They cheer for us and the skirt

So many people begin to squeal

Now we are free to kiss and flirt

As we proclaim, "Zerkstar is real."

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