Acquaintances | Vikklan (Part 2)

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Ship: Vikklan 
Relationship: Acquaintances
Genre: Fluff
Continuation of Strangers
No disrespect to Harry, just needed someone to be the 'bad guy'
A/N: Not Edited
~Vik's POV~

Two weeks. Two weeks since I encountered Lachlan. I hadn't seen him again in those two weeks. I even set up my shop more often just for the chance to see him again.

The boys had finally settled down with their painting adventures. Mine were increasing, though. Wintertime apparently meant painting time. As the temperature decreased, the graffiti increased. Daniel started bringing tea and hand warmers whenever he joined me.

Tonight is especially cold. Daniel has been making me take breaks and warm up in his truck. Someone had decided to paint two full stories of an apartment building.

"How are you holding up Vik?"

I sip my tea and contemplate his question.

How was I?

"Struggling, to be honest."

"You can always talk to me Vik, you know that."

"I know."

I again sip my tea and set it down. I turn in my seat towards Daniel. He shifts to look at me and he can tell our conversation is about to get really serious.

"It's just... I feel... Useless. University is going okay. I really don't feel accomplished there. It's like I'm running in circles. The only joy I get in life is painting and my friends. But my friends... They... Kinda have been distancing themselves and the cruel part is I know why. My panic attacks have been getting worse as well. I had a small one in class and everyone just... Ignored me as I broke down. I just wish something in my life would go right. I thought I had found something a couple weeks ago, but I don't think that option will come back."

During my little speech, I had started to cry.

"Oh Vik."

Daniel leans over and pulls me into a hug. I cry into his shoulder. All my fears, sadness, and longing are put into those tears.

"You are strong Vik. I can tell. As I've been saying, call me if you need help. My son used to have panic attacks. My wife may be better at it, but I do know how to help with them. As for your friends, if they are really your friends they will stick by you. Can I ask why, though?"

I take a shaky breath and relax back into my seat.

"I-I don't want you to hate me."

"You can trust me, Vik."

"For the past couple weeks, I've... I've been questioning things in my life. One of those things... One of them is my... Sexuality."

My voice wavers and Daniel pulls me in for a hug again.

"Keep going Vik, it's okay."

"I'm.... I'm gay Daniel. I told some of my friends and some of them aren't sure how to take it. I understand if you don't want to speak to me again."

"Vik? Have I never told you about my son? My specifically about my son and his husband?"

I look at him in shock. I shake my head slowly.

"Mmhmm. My son, Nathan, told us that he felt he was bisexual his third year of secondary school. At first, we were a little apprehensive, but he was still our Nathan so we accepted him. He met Sam his first year of university. They got married and adopted a set of twins. So Vik I somewhat know what you are going through because my own kid went through it. As for your friends, confront them. Get their opinions. If they're your real friends, they'll accept you because let's be honest. Your sexuality does not change who you are."

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