Dear Lord

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This is what exams do to ya kids.

So basically what the picture is is this...

In one of my classes for our exam, we get a 'cheat' sheet. Basically an index card with whatever we want on it. We can only have one but it can be front and back.

Me being the forgetful person I am, wants to include most of the basics.... We went over 7 units of things. The above is about half of what I need.

Scary part is, it's completely legible. I was showing the kids around me and they were in complete awe. The other kids that had gotten the print that small had typed and printed and here I am writing the shit out.

It's really pathetic...

Anyway, exams start tomorrow so... Good luck to those who also have exams. May the panic studying goddess bless you.

I shall try to write in my down time and hopefully this weekend.

Love ya all <3

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